Team Bangtan Fact Sheet #2

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Team Member: Park Jimin

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Team Member: Park Jimin

Codename: Angel

Role: Infiltration Specialist


Age: 25

Nationality: South Korean

Education: Trained in martial arts from a young age

Previous Occupation: Martial arts instructor

Recruitment: Recruited for his exceptional martial arts skills and agility.

Physical Attributes:

Height: 174 cm (5'7")

Weight: 61 kg (134 lbs)

Build: Lean and muscular

Distinctive Features: Graceful movements, sharp reflexes, always alert


Combat Proficiency: Expert in various martial arts, proficient with knives and small arms.

Infiltration: Highly skilled in stealth and silent takedowns.

Tactical Intelligence: Keen situational awareness, able to adapt quickly.

Agility: Extremely agile and flexible, excels in acrobatics.


Traits: Charming, disciplined, focused, empathetic.

Strengths: Exceptional close-quarters combatant, adaptable, maintains a calm demeanour.

Weaknesses: Can be overly self-critical, sometimes struggles with authority.


Duration: One year of intensive training in combat and infiltration techniques.

Areas of Expertise: Martial arts, stealth operations, acrobatics.

Notable Missions:

Operation Silent Step: Infiltrated and secured an enemy base without detection.

Operation Quickstrike: Executed a swift and silent neutralization of high-value targets.



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