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Mia's POV~

As I sit in the corner of the club waiting for Scott's signal I wonder how I got myself here and into these repetitive situations. I look back on the last couple of years and how I came to meet Scott and Stiles along with the rest of the pack. I had just moved here to live with my Aunt because my parents had been found dead in our household while I was away at a friends for the night and my Aunt had been the one to find them when she was on her way to have dinner with them that night. I still have no idea what they were to talk about that night, but she was the only family I had left so that meant she was to care for me until I was legal.

I mean don't get me wrong I love my Aunt, she's been in my life since I was a baby and she takes great care of me for her being a human and me being a werewolf , its just I feel like its hard for my Aunt to look at me since I take such a resemblance to her dead sister, my mother. I mean I've got her wavy brown locks with highlights that are only slightly noticeable, if you look hard enough or in the light, and her pale skin that made her seem like she was a ghost that would disappear if you blinked, in a way she did because it felt like I had blinked and next I hear from my aunt the bad-- no terrible news. The one thing I didn't get from my mother but from my father were my eyes, a real forestry green that sorta glowed when the sun hit them just right and they were always framed by such thick lashes that reached the cheeks just slightly. My parents were such wonderful people and they had a Once-in-a-life-time love that no one could take away from them not even in death. I sometimes wonder if they had been killed because people were envious of them for their Once-in-a-life-time life, I mean my mother was an alpha so that means if the person that had killed her wasn't already one they had took her hard earned title. Even though my mother had an alpha status she did not have a pack but she did always help a fellow wolf, omega or not, if they had a problem. Some ranged from being kicked out the pack because they were 'too' weak or they had trouble on full moons and keeping their anger kept in.

Even though I had no intention of going to school since I had been home-schooled my whole life, I started high school and I immediately felt the pressure but that's when I met Allison and Lydia. They had in a way took me under they're wings and that's how I met up with the rest of the pack. It's also how I got up to date with the supernatural re-occurrences happening in Beacon Hills. 

Ever since I was born I was taught by my parents to keep my wolf side under control. I never really had much troubles with full moons, my mom always said I was blessed to not have the blood lust that runs rampant in werewolves. I was and still am confused on how that works because every other werewolf that I've met, that we've helped, had such terrible anger and malicious intent on AND off of full moons. The only reason I even came to help was because i'm the only one in the pack that has the best control and I can track the best out of the group besides Malia. It's only common sense that I come to help find Derek.

As I think of the past and how it led to this moment I almost miss the rest of the pack heading out. I quickly get up and follow them a little ways behind to cover their backs since I was the secret weapon that the Calaveras didn't know about. While I kept track of their scent I sensed someone come up from behind, as I turn slightly to get a peak I hear horns go off in all directions, messing up my hearing, and smell a toxic gas coming from above. I start coughing my lungs up and feeling drowsy. I see a blurry man come up from behind me out of the corner of my eye and pick me up from the ground, that I hadn't noticed I was kneeling on, and throw me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing and lost consciousness.


When I awoke I was met with Stiles pacing and panicking about what's happening to Lydia. I guess I was out when they took them out of here. Speaking of here, were in some moldy, bloody bathroom with lights hanging from the ceiling.

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