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Important Note!!!

This might be hella annoying to some of you guys as much as it is to me, but I'm changing pretty the entire point of view of this story. It will no longer be first person, but third person point of view. I know, why so late in the book. Honestly, I think the vibe of this book needs 3rd pov and that's why I haven't been feeling it lately. So let's see how it goes.


'I just can't ever catch a break, can I?'

Mia couldn't help but release a sigh of weariness at this point. She was becoming really tired of all these horrible surprises. Why couldn't she get surprises like the ones on her birthday? She could really go for a slice of birthday cake right about now.

Mia, Stiles and Derek start heading towards the front of the high school from where they came in. Stiles phones beeps inside his pants pocket and he struggles to fit his hand in and get it out. He finally manages to yank it out and he checks it to see a text from Lydia telling him to call her ASAP.

Stiles quickly dials Lydia's number, already thinking of the millions of horrible things that could have happened to her. She answers not even after the first ring. 


"Lydia! Whats wrong? Are you hurt?! Where are you? Do I need to call an ambulance?" He bombards with questions at a fast rate.

"No. Stiles, I'm fine. Listen, Kira and I found something." She calmly answers back, knowing how to handle Stiles anxiousness.

"We were driving back into town and we stopped at a gas station just outside of town. Once we stopped, I got a weird feeling" she tried her best to explain the horrible sensation she felt.
"A feeling? Like a supernatural feeling or 'I'm about to get robbed' kinda feeling" Stiles wonders honestly. A sigh can be heard from the other end and Mia can't help but smirk, from where her and Derek have been listening in, already imagining the impatient look on Lydia's face. 

"Like a death kind of feeling" she said quietly before continuing, "Kira said, I just started walking towards the bathroom on the side of the building. Everything was just background noise and all I could hear was a ringing in my ears". Lydia couldn't help but let herself be vulnerable to Stiles. he understood that even if she was smart and strong, her banshee powers still terrified her.

"We found a body, Stiles" she told him still in a quiet voice. Mia's breath hitched and Derek's heart sped up at hearing the news.

"I have pictures that I sent to Scott, but, at this point, it doesn't even look like a human body" she sent him the pictures over text. Once Stiles phone dinged he took the phone away from his ear to view them. He grimaces slightly at the gruesome photos before turning the phone around to show Mia and Derek. Mia steeled herself and stared at the photos. The body was practically shredded with a majority of the wounds focused on the neck and abdominal. It looked like an animal attack. 

"Look at all the claw marks and where they attacked" Derek pointed out exactly what she was thinking. She glanced at him out the corner of her eye to see him also peeking a glance at her. They both looked at Stiles to hear his thoughts. 

"It had to have been Kate. She can't control the shift" Stiles explained to Lydia and them.

"What do you mean Kate can't control the shift?" Lydia questioned, not knowing that Kate paid them a visit. 

"The reason Kate turned Derek back into a teenager was so she could use him to open the Hale vault. She wants the triskelion, something that new wolves use to control the shift" he answered her question. 

"The question is how did she even find out about the triskelion and the Hale vault in the first place" Derek questions aloud, confusing everyone at once.

Suddenly the air felt different. There was a pressing smell in the air that affected Derek and Mia badly. The hairs on both of there necks stood on end as they both looked towards the school. Stiles noticed them both looking over at the school and questioned them.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Somethings doesn't seem right" Mia mumbled to herself, but ended up being heard by everyone. Moments after the words left her mouth, sounds of fighting and footsteps hitting the pavement could be heard. They smelt the fear and death mixing together along with the rushing heartbeats of the rest of her pack. Mia could smell Scott from outside of the school.

"Scott's in trouble" Mia said quickly, looking at Stiles with poorly concealed worry.

"What going on?" he asked with a panicked expression.

"I don't know, but he's in trouble. It's the same smell from Mexico. It must be Kate" Mia answered back quickly. "Go get Lydia while we go help them". 

"Are you sure, Mia?" Stiles asks with worry laced in his tone.

"We'll be fine, Stilinski. There's no time to argue, just go get Lydia. Come on, Derek" Mia grabs Dereks wrist in her hand and begins to run towards the fight. He follows her without hesitation. They run through the pathways outside and up a flight of stairs to see the Berserkers fighting with Malia and Scott. It looks like a losing battle even with a true alpha in the mix. Derek looks to her see what the next move should be, but she's already heading out to sneak up behind one of two Berserkers that are attacking Malia. She feels her claws and features change as she transforms fully into a werewolf. A growl leaves the back of her throat before she lunges onto the back of a Berserker. She tries to slash at it's throat, but is thrown off easily. She lands on her back roughly right in front of the Berserker. She gets up quickly and steps back quickly to miss one of the Berserkers claws. She quickly glances over to see Derek helping Scott out, but she also sees that the Berserkers are backing them into a corner. She wants to run and help them both out right at that moment, but is too preoccupied. She is to worried about them to see the Berserkers next attack. 

The Berserker reaches it's muscled arm out and grabs her by the throat, picking her up off the ground. She wraps her hands around it's arm, clawing at its already mangled arm, and kicks her legs out at it. She gasps for air until the Berserker grew tired of her failed efforts and slammed her down into the ground, back first. Mia's head and whole body collided with the concrete and the breath was knocked out of her. Her head rolled to the side as she felt the healing process take place on her cracked skull and broken bones. She saw Derek and Scott being aided by Kira now, but it still wasn't enough. She saw the look in Derek's eyes. He was scared. How she saw that, she didn't know. At that moment, she never wanted to see that look in his eyes again. She had promised that to herself in that police station, did she not? So why is she still weak and laying here?  The answer is, she wasn't.

She lifted her head back to face the Berserker and felt her eyes glow a vibrant green as she let out a deafening roar. Complete silence followed suit as she felt the Berserker let go of her throat. Suddenly, there was no more fighting just the sound of heavy breathing from her pack. The Berserker that was right in front of her leaned in close to her face and looked as if it was examining her. It looked right into her eyes and backed off. It and the rest of the Berserkers all began walking backwards and away from the pack, the school and, finally, from Beacon Hills. 

Confusion ran through the pack, but not as strongly as it ran through Mia. 


broskis. I was looking through all my past chapters so I can write this one and damn are they just a hot ass mess. I've been taking my writing very seriously lately and try to write as much as possible that's why I took a break from this book. but like, damn, this book is bad. I probably won't reedit the chapters just bc I've already done it once so lets just do the rest of this . btw this chapter is written so nicely, future me be proud.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2018 ⏰

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