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Mia's POV

We exited the night club and it was daylight out so I'm guessing we were only in there for the night since I was unconscious for most of it. I check my pockets to make sure none of possessions were stolen. I don't know what the Caleveras did to me in my sleep so let's just be safe. I look at my black boots and dirty jeans. "Great more laundry to do when I get home" I mutter to myself. I went up to our oh so wonderful leader, Scott, to see our course of action.

"So what's the plan try alpha" I saluted to him. He smiles at me, enjoying our little joking moment.

"Hey, we don't need anymore smart ass's on this team alright" Stiles decides to comment. There he goes again, already annoying me to no end. I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, we've already got you for that" I elbow him playfully in the side. Scott decides to start explaining what happened to them in there.

"Well they don't know where Derek is exactly but they have a guess so we're going to check it out" he said kinda nervous. I was confused, why was he nervous if we had a chance at finding Derek?

"What's wrong?" I demanded with narrowed my eyes. He only gets nervous when he's trying to hide something from me or he's got bad news. He sighs when he sees the look on my face.

"They think that Kate's still alive and she's the one who took Derek". I froze slightly in shock.

"What do you mean Kate's still alive?" I said in tone that indicated slight disbelief and anger. I guess from the look on my face he could tell that I was about ask multiple question and probably start beat them out of some one. 

"Look, I know what Kate did to all of us, okay? But we all need to just be calm. No one could have known that Peters claws would have turned her". Dammit Peter, can't do anything right. I remember how she always gave me a chill down my spine and sent me dirty looks all the time. She had told me "That I was the cure to a full moon and she couldn't have that happening" when she kidnapped one night and dragged my unconscious body through the woods to shoot me, that was night she died. I have no idea what she was talking about I just summed it all up to her being a psychopath.

"They're giving us a guide" he says breaking me out of my thoughts.

I hear an engine in the distance come down the street just to come to halt about 10 feet away from us. She takes off her helmet and I instantly recognize her, it's Brayden. I know her from when she saved Isaac from those alpha twins and was kept in the hospital. Since my aunt is good friends with Scott's mom and Stiles dad I got to talk to her. She threatened me at first but because I'm used to that attitude from Derek it didn't bother me all that much. After we got over that we had a good conversation before she passed out from the medication they were giving her. 

She looks over to me and smiles slightly and I just give a nod of acknowledgment.

Scott asks dumbly "Brayden?". 

"Who's Brayden?" Kira asks me.

"She's a mercenary" I reply.

"Look I'm the only one who's gonna take you to La Iglesia" she tells us impatient to get there before sundown.

"The church?" I ask. Are they seriously sending us there?

"What church?" Asks Malia.

"It's not a place you'll find God" Brayden says kinda joking but kinda serious.

I smirk.


We're on the road in the beat up jeep and I'm absolutely dying from the silence. Just when I'm about to claw myself to death Malia finally breaks the silence. 

"Okay, I'm just gonna ask, who's Kate?". Just hearing her name makes me angry all over again. 

"I'd also like to know" Kira adds her two cents in.

It doesn't just make me mad to hear about Kate, it makes me feel depressed all over again for the loss of Allison. I'm more in touch with my animal side than Scott since I was born a wolf and actually have feelings unlike Malia so when one of my pack members died it felt like I had lost my parents all over again, I lost a whole part of me when she died. I was brought out of my depressing thoughts by Lydia's slightly aggravated tone.

"Well we were at her funeral" Lydia says and sighs. "So I'd like to know how she got out of a casket that was six feet underground"

"That's because she was never in it" Scott finally says something. I know it's hard to think about Kate and how she caused a lot of trouble between him and Allison. He sees Kira's and Malia's still curious face and sighs.

"She was Alison's aunt" he reluctantly says.

"And a total sociopath" Lydia says bitterly.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" Kira says hastily. Kira the saint as she always is.

"Um, yes he does" Malia bluntly states. Malia the little brat she always is. I elbow Malia in the side from where she sits next to me. She looks at me confused and I give her a scolding look.

"Yeah she's right, you need to know" Scott says.

"Kate was the one to set the Hale fire with only three survivors Derek, Cora and Peter. A very angry Peter that bit Scott and turned him into a werewolf to try and make a pack so he could get his revenge. He got his revenge alright, slit Kate's throat right in front of my eyes, next thing you know she being buried inside a casket" I explain.

"No, we only saw the casket, she wasn't buried in it" Scott's says matter of fact.

Scott continues "The Calaveras heard that Kate had been killed by an Alpha's claws. They wanted to make sure she was really dead. Her body was healing more and more, closer to the full moon. So they switched out the bodies".

"Hunters have to take their own life if they've been bitten" I interject remembering when Allison got livid, blaming Derek for the death of her mom. "And the Calaveras treat the code like law" I finish.

"Good for her I wouldn't do it either" Malia spouts out without thinking again.

"Would you kill half a dozen people? That's what she did" Scott says to her, instantley quieting her down. 

"You know there's a saying that the shape you take reflects the person you are"
Scott's says all knowing when we all know that he just got that from Deaton.

"Oh yeah what shape is a psychopathic bitch" Lydia says.

I smirk with out knowing. I feel the jeep take a immense hit from the side and stop. We all rush out to see the damage.

"I think we hit something" says Stiles.

"Great detective skills there Stilinski" I say sarcastically. He glares at me but then thinks better of it and turns around to talk to Scott. 

"Scott we gotta get there before night" Brayden says hurriedly.

"Go" Stiles say to his best friend.

"Not without you" Scott disagrees.

"Go, we'll be fine, don't worry" I say to help persuade him into just going to find Derek.

"Dude someone needs to find Derek don't worry we'll figure something out, we always do"

Finally Scott turns to go but Kira runs up to him to probably have some awkward heart to heart moment. I just turn away to try and take a look at the jeep to see how we broke down. I hear Scott and Brayden drive away in the dust with Kira heading back to the jeep.

When they're out of sight Malia pulls out a very sharp and long claw. What the hell, please don't tell me the supernatural includes dinosaurs.

"I don't think we hit something, I think something hit us" she says gaining weary looks from everyone else. What have we got ourselves into this time.

Second chap. i promised it would be longer and i delivered... i hope let me know if u guys want them longer cause I feel u deserve more
welp... bye

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