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!!!Please read before starting this chapter!!!

Okay so its been a hot minute since Ive really reviewed this story and had any semblance of an idea of where this story will go, but after looking through my first few chapters and remembering the type of character I wanted I have really gotten some inspiration to write especially thanks to those people who commented on the last chapters and talked about how you've actually enjoyed the story so far!

Its been about 3 years since I've started this book and have really grown myself, gaining new experiences and have critiqued my own writing to my liking. When I first started writing this book and in general I felt I had to be very professional yet witty and clever at the same time if that makes any sense at all. I am very excited to get back into this book because I have some great ideas for this book and it will contain mostly the growth of Mia's and Derek's relationship as well as Derek being able to help Mia grow independently as a person. Don't worry there will some action and mostly some comedic scenes in this story but just know that I want Mia as a person for now to be very cold and standoffish and I feel that will at the comedic scenes I wish to write. Also I've added on and fixed chapter 4 to make more sense with Mia's personality in this chapter. This is how I wanted her to be originally but I for some reason made her just really bitchy. Anyway she's showing her caring side very much. 

I'm just gonna stop here because I'm writing more about my thoughts than the actual story so here's the next chapter of Climbing Trees!


Derek's POV


I open my eyes quickly to get away from that nightmare, the only problem is it wasn't a nightmare. It was a memory from not that long ago, it was last years basket ball finals and I was still trying to get back from the low I was at when Paige died. Died by my hands. The memory is causing me to panic and also the fact that I have no idea where I am. I blink rapidly to clear the cloudy haze I'm feeling until I can see the ceiling and the bright florescent lighting that hangs from it. I'm blinded again just staring into them straight on so I turn my head to the side to look away from it and I see three figures standing off to the side of the table I'm laying on. I don't recognize their scents and assume their the ones responsible for taking me and the ones who knocked me out. I panic and end up breathing even faster than I did before. It looks like two of them, a man and a woman, are looking through draws and cabinets trying to find something so I look to the other lone figure standing at the end of the table. 

I struggle to sit up, still groggy from whatever the hell happened to me, and look up to see that it's a girl who's standing there and staring at me wearily and with hard, weary eyes yet I feel like she's concerned for me at the same time. She looks like she's ready to attack me though. She's already shifted her stance to a defensive one and is surveying me to see if I'm gotten start attacking them.  I feel like I've seen her before though and I take a moment to look at her face and then her eyes once again. I really look into them and I have a small flashback of her. It's dark and she's standing in what looks like the middle of the desert in front of a blue jeep and her face has dust on it along with her hair sweeping to the side from the winds pushing against her. Her eyes though, they're an alluring, captivating, glowing green and that's where it ends and I'm lost again.


Mia's POV


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