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Mia's POV


After our small panic attack over the claw we started actually trying to get the hell out of the middle of no where. While Stiles's is telling Lydia to stop shaking the flashlight so much so he can see what he's actually doing, Kira's just pacing  and Malia and I start talking about nothing in particular.

"Wait, whats that really good food that has that white hot stuff on it and little circles of meat on top of it?" Malia asks me truly confused. I look at her a bit sideways.

"Uh, that would be pizza Malia". She make a small 'O' with her mouth then starts smiling. "That's what stiles likes to eat a lot, it's really good . Have you ever tried it before?".

I'm about to answer her question and explain the holy grail that is pizza when I smell something in the air, something not good. I guess Malia smelt it to because the next thing I know she's darting into the rocky terrain of the desert. I don't even think about it and just run in after her. The last thing I hear is Stiles yelling out for Malia to come back. I catch up with Malia easily and I see she's laying on the ground with a wound on her side. I go over to help her up, angry that she would just dart off like that by herself.

"What were you thinking Malia, running off like that. You don't know what's out here come on we have to get back before whatever attacked you comes back to finish the job" I finish sternly. She looks down slightly from being scolded. At times she can act like such a pup and it seems my scoldings always seem to put her in her place. I walk back through the darkness gracefully getting over the ruff rocks. I turn back around to make sure Malia hasn't run off again and she's following just a small steps away. When I make eye contact with her she looks away quickly once seeing the glare still on my face.

As we return to the broken down jeep, Stiles comes running up to us with his arms open wide. I was expecting him to go try to hug us both to death and open my arms up ready for a hug. What I wasn't expecting was for him to barrel past me, almost pushing me to the ground, towards Malia and squishing her like he hadn't seen her in years. I stagger back then regain my balance quickly, quick enough to hear some annoying crap fall from Stiles mouth like Niagara Falls.

"Oh thank god you're okay" well doesn't that just make me feel so much better. He sees her wound and decides then to just blow up on her. 

"What was out there Malia? You should've been more careful, not everything is gonna be easy to take down. Now look you got hurt in the middle of no where. Come on we just got the jeep fixed so sit here and don't move okay? okay." He says this all so fast while leading her over to the passenger side of the jeep. I look at Lydia and we both roll our eyes at the same time. I head to the back of the jeep towards the trunk to get some bandages that I knew we had back there. I opened the trunk and grabbed some Star Wars band-aids that Stiles obviously bought. I sigh and roll my eyes for what felt like the millionth time but non the less take it up to Malia so I don't have to hear more of Stiles whining.

"Here put these on. Don't want you bleeding all over the interior do we" I smirk while shaking the box in her face before throwing it at her. She just playfully glares at me and catches the box swiftly. We all gather back in the jeep and start heading up the road. 

"Are we there yet?" I ask after 5 minutes in the car.

"Does it look like were there yet? No it doesn't , so that answers your question." Stiles sass comes out. I just flick his fore head.

"How did you even reach around to do that from back there?" He says incredulously.

"The world may never know" I smirk, I hear a very unladylike like snort come from Lydia. Shortly after we pull up to a crumbled old building with Scott and Brayden struggling towards us carrying a body.

We all rush out the jeep to see what happened and who they were carrying. I take a quick look at Scott to see if there are any wounds that could cause a problem and find none. I sigh in relief silently.

"Is that him, Is that Derek?" Malia asks stiles.

"Sort of" He says slightly dazed.

I finally get a good look at the guy Scott was holding up and freeze subtly. It's Derek Hale, but younger. My first thought is 'wow', his dark hair is hanging in his face slightly but fortunately not enough to cover his stunning blue eyes that decided to make an appearance. He opens his eyes slowly and looks at us as if he's in a haze. He makes eye contact with me and I feel my eyes start to change to their vibrant green color, but I force it down. What the hell was that?

He then stares at me in shock and awe for what feels forever before his eyes start closing on there own. Scott and Brayden start hauling him back over to us before Kira and Stiles dart forward to help.

Once were at the back of the jeep we have to figure out where everybody is gonna sit. I go in first then Lydia, and lastly Kira, then Derek is situated on top of us. His head so happens to be resting on my lap. I look at his face and momentarily stunned at the beauty of it before I remember that this is Derek. I can't feel anything for him, I mean come on it's Derek Hale we're talking about here. The sour wolf himself that always threatens to tear throats out and punch people in the face.

I'm brought out of my denial by Derek shifting his body inwards towards me. Derek has a slight shiver to his body and is sort of cradling towards my body heat. I don't understand why he's moving to me, Kira produces almost the same body heat as me. I look down at the teenage boy in my lap and catch Lydia out the corner of my eye look at us with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. I give her a confused look, wondering what she was planning. She just looks away innocently as if she wasn't just plotting something only Lydia would do. Innocent my ass, what's she up to?


Everyone's asleep on the way back, pretty much laying on top of each other and when I mean laying on top of each other I mean laying all on me. Between Derek cuddled all in my lap and Lydia along with Kira weighing down my right side I just wasn't able to get any sleep. Stiles was fast asleep with his face pressed up against the window and Malia scrunched up in his lap. I looked out the window and watched the passing car lights and trees. I feel someone staring at me so I look up and see Scott looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks me.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Are you okay?" I sigh out. He looks out at the street in front of him and waits a minute before he responds. 

"I'm okay right now, but I can't help feeling that something bad is gonna happen and the last time that feeling came Allison died" he paused before continuing sounding determined "I just don't want that to ever happen again".

I smile a little before bringing my head back to the window to again watch as time went by.


hey guys sorry I haven't updated in awhile but here it is and Derek is finally here! I'm actually really happy with this chapter and now have a sorta set basis for my characters background and personality let me know if you guys like the story.




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