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Wait. did you guys think I was lying when I said I actually had ideas for this book? Welp. tell that to this update. here's the next chapter! 

I'm also having just a lot more fun with this. The scene where Mia tells Derek about his family might not be as serious as It should be but that bc I want this to be more funny and cute I guess. There will be action though and seriousness like when Mia finds out about her parents and who she really is.

hint: her green eyes match someone else's


Derek POV


"You want me to trust you? Tell me where my family is" I demand. I don't know who this spastic kid thinks he is, but he can't expect me to just go with them. The alpha looks at me and I can see the solemn face he's trying to cover up. I assume the worst. What could have happened to them? Another pack came through? Hunters? Were they kidnapped? 

Scott steps forward a bit and opens his mouth to explain himself but hesitates. I look at him in panicked anticipation. "Derek" I hear and turn my head towards a soft yet stern voice. Mia looks between Scott and I with a determined yet also a solemn face. She walks over to me and sits in the chair next to me. Her scent invades me. It reminds me of the woods surrounding my house and a feeling of a warm blanket drapes over me. The feeling washes over me and I can feel myself calming down a little bit. Her green eyes are holding me in place and I feel suddenly safe.

She takes in a deep breath and lets it out. "There was a fire about 10 years ago. Hunters came and burned down the Hale house... with everybody in it". It's like the words come out of her mouth in slow motion. The world feels like it's slowing down and speeding up all at the same time. First Paige and, suddenly, now everybody else. It almost hurts to breathe and the tears start coming down my face with out me telling them to. Mia reaches over and places her hand on my back and I can feel her tracing circles . The rhythm helps me remember to take in breath.

"The only people who survived were you, Cora, and Peter. Cora's safe though, she lives in South America. The one who started the fire was a woman named Kate Argent who we suspect is the one responsible for turning you younger". 

I look her in the eyes and listen to her heart to make sure she's telling the truth. Kate? How could Kate do that? "Wait, what? Kate started the fire? But she's so nice and always liked to hang out at the house with us", I tell her hoping she was just making a mistake.

 Her face hardens and her eyes turn steely. She looks so cold it sends a chill through my body. "Derek, Kate is a stone cold bitch who got a lot of our friends killed and ruined a lot of other lives as well. We were all glad when she died, but now that she's back she's just causing more trouble. Did you not know she was a hunter?", she asks me. She's telling the truth and a quick glance at the other people in the room also tell the truth. Their faces have turned dark probably remembering who they've lost. I swallow roughly and remember I should answer her. I shake my head saying no. I feel her hand on my back still tracing circles and breath deeply through the lump in my throat.

 "I'm sorry to put all this bad news on you right now, but you deserved to know and the only difference between then and now is that you have a whole pack to help you through it" she tells me softly. I look up at her and I can feel tears leak down my face. In her eyes I can see understanding and concern making me want to be near her.

"I know how it feels to lose those precious to you in such a horrible way. My parents were murdered as well a few years back" she tells me hesitantly. I look at her in shock. 

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