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Ok guys so this next part is pretty much the ending of this episode and Idk how its gonna end up but we'll see wtf is gonna happen 


Derek's POV


I sit down on Scott's unmade bed while I wait for Stiles to release Mia from the bathroom he dragged her into. I look around Scott's room stuck in thought about the short conversation I had with Mia. Mia, she's so different from any other girl I've met before. I mean that could also be tied to the fact that I'm from a scene ten years in the past and I never really honestly got along with many girls at school. After Paige died, I didn't really see anybody else that could ever replace her. Paige was unique, she played so beautifully on her instrument it was almost as if I could feel all her emotions through her playing. She was someone who just wanted to have fun, wanted to mess around and was able to joke around with me. We were just silly teenagers having the time of our lives. She just wanted to live an adventure far different than the boring life she had. Then I got selfish and wanted to have her near all the time, I didn't want to have me being a werewolf come between us.

With Mia it's different somehow. I don't have to hide anything from her or try to go against everybody else to try and alter circumstances that can't change. Even if it caused me severe pain, she didn't keep the truth from me or try to lie blatantly to my face. She understands how much it hurts that my entire family and life was ripped away from me and helped me understand the situation that was happening. It hurts so much to know that my family isn't here with me on this earth anymore when it felt like I just saw them yesterday. Just the though of little Cora just the other day trying to force me to play dolls with her makes my head pound and my eyes gather moisture. I take deep ragged breaths to help reel back in all my depressing emotions. I end up thinking back to the sheriff's office and Mia rubbing circles on my back and then changing them in the opposite direction, so I could focus on which way the pattern was going. I unconsciously start rubbing circles on the back of my hand that are clasped in my lap. I feel a lot calmer after a minute later. This change, this whole new world is terrifying and I hate to admit this to myself, but I'm scared to be alone. But when I think of myself being alone I still see Mia there helping me up and reassuring me that she will be there for me. I just hope she won't get ripped way from me so fast like my family. 

I'm brought out of my musings by the sound of something sharp scratching against glass. I jump up off the bed and rapidly tun around to see Kate standing next to an open window with her hand held out towards me. I look down at her hand quickly and see sharp, dark purple claws retracting back into her hand. She looks at me with an innocent and fake helpless expression on her face.

"Derek" she whispers my name past her lips and I feel white, hot rage just sweep over me. However, I keep my face blank and my body still cause if I moved I would tear her to shreds. How dare she look at me with such a fake face and try to lie to me when she took something so precious away from me. She killed my whole family and doesn't feel any guilt.

"I need your help. Something happened to me and I need you to get me into the Hale vault" she pauses as she steps closer to me, mistaking my quiet anger for shock at seeing her again.

"I've heard your family carries a triskelion that helps control the shift" she slyly puts in with a sugar coated tone. She steps closer once again to where she's only an arms length away. The rage is simmering beneath my skin just waiting to get out and tear her to shreds. What she says next pushes me over the edge.

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