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so when I started writing this book I tried way too hard too make a personality for Mia and it was pretty shit so Im kinda just goin with the flow and I guess the best characters are the ones that can't be summed up so lets see where this shit show goes



We get to the top of the stairs quickly and rush into Scott's room. I dial Scott's number and listen to it ring while I wait for Scott to pick up. He picks up not even after the first ring meaning that this is an emergency.

"Scott, what's wrong?" I question first when I hear him pick up the line.

"Kates here. We talked to Peter and he said she must be after the triskelion from the vault. That's why she turned Derek into a teenager, so she could use him to get to the vault" he rushes to say.

"So, you're saying she's gonna come back and try to get Derek?" I fervently ask him. Stiles and Derek look towards me with looks of confusion and panic.

"I don't know what her plan is, but you guys need to be careful. I can send my mom over to make the mountain ash barrier, so Kate won't be able to get in" Scott says. I pace back and forth trying to think of what to do. It could take a while before Scott's mom can get here and get the barrier up; she's also working and she shouldn't have to just leave for our supernatural crap, she already puts up with our normal crap as it is. Derek needs to be safe though and I can't risk his safety just because I don't want to bother someone. For some reason I just have this overwhelming urge to look out for him. He used to just be big and strong Derek Hale, but now he's just young and clueless Derek, not being able to know any better because he doesn't have the same experiences as older Derek has.

"Do you think your dad would be able to draw the line? We need to get this done now" I ask Scott urgently. If Kates plotting against us right now with whatever out of control supernatural power she's got, I do not want to sit around and wait to see it.

"My dad would freak if he found out about Kate, Mia. We barely made it through the Oni, I don't think he could know anymore of what we're doing" Scott panics at my suggestion. I growl out of frustration from the lack of options. I guess we better get moving, it better than just sitting here like ducks waiting to be shot down.

"Look, don't worry. I handle this, we'll just have to get to Deaton's as fast as possible" I tell him. I hear Scott sigh in some what relief, knowing we have at least somewhat of a plan is good.

"Okay. Thanks, Mia. Let me know when you get there, alright?" he checks with me before asking to talk to Stiles. I stop pacing and hand over my phone to Stiles. He takes the phone from me and listens to Scott on the other line. He hums and nods while listening to whatever Scott's saying to him. Derek walks over to stand next to me.

"What's going to happen?" he asks with a concerned expression. I look over to him with my arms crossed and foot tapping, stressed out by our current predicament.

"We're going to Dr. D's. He's the vet you saw when you first woke up. The entire backroom of his clinic is made from mountain ash, so if he lets us in, Kate won't be able to touch us" I explain to him. He nods and his shoulders sag a little with relief, but still has his body tense. I look him in the eyes with a gentle smile. I try calming myself down so I don't unintentionally stress him out as well.

"It'll be alright Derek. You've got all of us lookin out for you and I would never let anything happen to you" I tell him seriously. He seems stunned by my statement. I duck my head down embarrassed from saying something so truthful and sincere.

Climbing Trees || Young Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now