Her jealousy!!

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1 week was passed...they didn't talked properly actually she used to ignore him...today they were invited for the anniversary party

Kunal "Jaan tonight is party be ready hm" she nodded "what are you going to wear??"

She "Jenny has send a dress for me...she want me to wear that so I'll wore that"

He "will you comfortable in that" she nodded he hugged her "gussa ho??" (Are you angry) She shook her head "i know you're angry..Jaan you didn't even talked nicely to me from 1 week"

She "you were busy or I don't want to distrub you" he was going to say something when his phone rang...she left in washroom without saying anything


Kunal was ready in a black formal... looking handsome as always...he was waiting for her she came down in long red gown...she was looking gorgeous..he smiled and pecked her lips lightly

He "you're looking breathtaking meri jaan" she blushed lightly

She "you too" he smiled..she hold his hand  "chale" he nods and left

At the party..she was very happy after getting compliments by everyone..she went to Jenny and hugged her

She "Happy wedding anniversary!!"

Jenny "Thanks..btw you're looking gorgeous"

She "you too" after talking to her she stood in a corner..as kunal talking to someone but his gaze was only on her.. a man come near her and start talking with her

That guy "Hii miss.." kunal pulled her closer by her waist and said

He "not miss she Mrs Aarohi kunal oberoi" that guy smiled awkwardly and left he looks at her
"Why are you standing here alone hm??" She looks at other side and said

She "han too what should I do?? I only knew Jenny but she's busy with guests and you... you're just staring at me while talking with your friend"

He "then go and make new friends"

She "no I don't want" he hold her hand

He "acha fine I'm here with you but what should I do you're not even talking to me"

She "so whome I'm talking with?? A ghost!??"
He raised his brows

He "I'm a ghost"

She "fine you accepted I'm talking to you" he whispered lightly

"Yeah and I'll talk to you at home!!" She felt something inside her...and looks at him..he smirked while they were having a eye contact someone interrupted..

A girl "Hii kunal!!"

Kunal "oh miss Anna"

Anna "yeah I'm glad didn't forget me..well looking handsome"

He "thanks" they both start talking ignoring her
She didn't felt good..he didn't even introduced her..she can feel that preety girl has something different intentions with her husband she was continuously hitting his arms shoulder playfully
He also didn't stopped her...she grinned her teeth and intentionally hold his hand..Anna looked at her head to toes

Anna "who's she..who dared to hold your hand huh??" She smiled and said

She "when you can touch my husband then why I can't hold his being his wife huh??"

He "oh sorry i forgot to introduce her um she's my wife Aarohi" she glared at him that how can he forget his wife

Anna "ohh..it hurts that you're not single now..but it's ok I'm always here for you"

She "oh hello miss no need huh!! I'm here for him you can go"

He "what are you saying??" Teasing her more

She "Ap na chup rahiye and don't talk to me now.. you're really very bad." She left angrily he chuckled and followed her

In the whole party she was ignoring him and he was trying to convince her...after party got over they both left for home...

In car...

Kunal "Jaan don't ignore me now!!" She didn't said anything "jaan..jaann!!" He shouts she fisted her hand but didn't said anything "you're making me angry now..i already said sorry to you"

She "kunal please" He stared at her and stopped talking to her.. reaching at home she ignored him and left inside he hit his palm on his head

He "now I'm thinking honeymoon ki jarah divorce na ho jaye" 🙂

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