Dirty deeds!!

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She was nervous to go out but still she stepped out with small steps..He smiled and moved towards her making her hair untied from a bun...she was looking down clutching her pallu tightly he whispered bending towards her

"Nervous huh??" She bites her lower lip and nodded..he tightly held her waist "make sure tonight only your lips can move samjhi"

She hold his wrist "ku..Kunal dukh Raha ha"

He smirked "sirf itne ma hi huh... I've to grip every part of your body...just wait meri jaan" her breast start getting up and down she turned shyly..he slides his hands under her pallu touching her stomach...she closed her eyes tightly
She as feeling something different in his touch..her body was filled with some weird sensation..He lifted her in his arms and placed her on bed...she looks at him

He "Are you scared??" She nodded He glared at her..she gulped and replied immediately

She "I..I mean..mean a little bit" He smirked

He "you should!! But I can't do anything you're the only one who want this right??"

She "yo..you also want this" she said innocently

He "yeah I want... that's why I'm doing" with this he smashed his lips on hers start smooching it lightly...she responded to it..her hands was roaming around his neck and his hands were messaging her waist squeezing it lightly.. after a long smooch he left her..and moved towards her neck sucked it... teased her neck by his tongue...he sucked her throat she left a moan.. removing her earings he licked and bites her earlobes

She pressed her palm on his chest to stop him..he held her wrist and placed it over her head...

He "Jaan don't try to stop me now!!" She closed her eyes and looked at other side..he sucked her jaw and neck...

He left her hand and moved down removed her pallu from her stomach rubbed his nose on her navel tickling her

"Ah..Kunal kya kar rahe ha ap!!" She clutched his hair tightly and stated in low voice

He licked her stomach...gave a love mark on her waist she moaned and cupped his face he looked up in her eyes..she gulped

"I'm yours only be gentle" He smirked and moved towards her

"I know jaan you're only mine but I crave for you more than you were for me, so don't expect me to be gentle now... I'll give you pain a sweet pain...with full of my love...just bear it for now.. I'll take care of you later also so just enjoy" with this he kissed her lips tightly... sucking it like a sweet... For the first time he inserted his tongue inside her mouth and start licking every area of it..she felt tickled in her mouth not knowing what to do she pushed him harshly...he accidentally bit her lower lip as it was near his teeth..she scream in pain holding her lips

He "Jaan are you oky?? I didn't did it with intentions..why you pushed me??"

She "your tongue was tickling me so I.. you hurt my lips" He looks at her lips it was red..he sucked it lightly and licked it

He "I'm sorry baccha it was not intentionally" she nods.. "now let me do what I'm doing" he again kissed her and inserted his tongue inside her mouth...after getting her taste he left her and removed the pin from her shoulder...her heartbeat increased more

Removing her pallu completely from front he sucked her breast... removed her blouse..she wasn't wearing bra..he lightly kissed her breast and looked at her face

"Your these white balls are going to turn red jaan don't scold me later!!" She sucked her lip

She "you're very shameless!!" He chuckled and winked at her

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