Chase after the paved path

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Tenebris drove the car on something resembling a road, but very bumpy. Orca sat beside him in the passenger seat, looking puzzled at the map of Terra.

For Tenebris, it was really strange being stuck in the world of a gacha game, with a character from another gacha game sitting next to him. When he glanced at the rearview mirror of the car, he saw this face. It was really weird to be this guy; it's like being some sort of skin-walker. Well, he is more handsome and younger than his old self, that's for sure.

But at what price, losing himself in the process?

And this power is definitely absurd. He could not grasp what dark matter is; that's clearly something beyond the boundaries of the laws of the world. Clearly, he was not the smartest in the classroom, but he can tell that the possibility to create and rewrite matter at will by using this power is too powerful for a normal human like himself, if he was a normal human right now.

Orca had never seen a map like this before. She had looked at some maps to hunt corrupted objects in her short past, but she didn't recognize anything marked here: Kazdel, Laterano, Yan, Lungmen, Columbia, Ursus, Victoria, Siracusa, Leithanien, Kazimierz, and even more.

"Let's stop her, we continue our ride after an hour" he said with an annoyed tone. He hadn't driven a car for 10 years, so driving now was not easy and very tiring. The person who told him it's like swimming would have been punched six times already.

Both of them take a step outside and breathe the fresh air. Orca looks at him curiously. Tenebris knows he won't escape the multiple questions, but talking to her is a way for him to keep his sanity in check. He knows that as long as he doesn't scare her or become aggressive towards her, nothing will happen.

Still, she is a really quiet girl. She didn't even talk for 2 hours while he was driving, but now they will have a long conversation, for sure.

"Your name is Tenebris...." she said with a calm and curious tone.

"That's my name. I know you have a lot of questions right now, so feel free to ask away"

At this stage, any questions would be normal. After all, they need to cooperate. Tenebris knows Orca's behaviors from the game story and her files. Knowledge about Counter is something he has read as well. they can team up, that would be great, he thinks to himself.

Both of them are sitting in the car.

 "Is  that map real...?"

"Yes, we are in another world, not on the counterside or the normalside anymore" at his answer,she confused trying to understand what she had just heard.

"Another world... Are there any corrupted objects?"

He feared this question would strike. Orca seems stable, but she is actually not in control of herself most of the time. The demon, the Orca inside her, watches, forcing her to hunt corrupted objects without any rest, at the cost of her own health and sanity.

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