Blind Days

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As soon as we want to do the slightest temporary job, or look for any training, an apprenticeship supervisor or whatever, there is always this desire for submission.

"Oh, but what does the gap in your resume mean?"

"You don't seem PASSIONATE about the profession, it's an insult to my discipline."

"Why you and not someone else? I have 10,000 employees who can be put to work as needed."

Constantly, we cannot be content with showing our motivation relative to the idea of ​​performing a function or learning a trade, motivation that does not make us the best of their assets, nor does it make us burdens or parasites.

What do they want, what do they expect from us, these demanding bosses who do not seem to compromise on the actual quality of the work provided any more than on our social appearance (self-confidence and eloquence to turn them on, or submission to be tolerated).

And above all, why is the question of dignity, an essential element for any being endowed with a soul, brushed aside and dismissed as "intellectual masturbation"?

So this is it, the famous European pride, the hardworking nature of people, the hallmark of civilized worlds? To submit and offer up one's ass, to make demeaning compromises in the name of a misguided principle of realism?

Yes, you know how to think, yes, you have a sense of honor that can allow you to keep your commitments, yes, you are a hard worker, but does all of this necessarily mean that you have to be ready to bow down and constantly justify your motivation and your past, all while accepting to be spat on in the face?

That's why Tenebris swore to never work again, is Lungmen similar to his old world? Capitalism is very present and yet it doesn't affect him surely because he is not on the side of the poor and powerless for once.

Tenebris, lost in his thoughts, comes back to himself after hearing Kelvin talk about work. He had given a portion of the money that the old man Maxwell had left them to Kelvin, after all, they had recovered the money together.

Well, even though the warehouse had turned into a bloodbath, leaving only witnesses who wouldn't say anything, why? Well, Exusiai and Texas won't say anything because Kelvin, clever as he is, and especially because the absurd situation of seeing a guy with angel wings turned into a bloody mess, two poor guys, and seeing his Nemesis reduced to a vegetable state in a bright white cage suddenly made him more conciliatory towards Tenebris.

So, he made a deal with Penguin Logistics. This deal simply consists of pretending they saw nothing, as simple as that. And as for the gang members who escaped, well, they didn't escape Kelvin's network, so the three of them went hunting for the survivors at night. 

The cold bothered Tenebris, so he covered himself with an invisible insulating material, making this nocturnal stroll pleasant.Clearly, a cold night in Lungmen is no joke. Kelvin was uncomfortable, but Orca was fine, as she had probably already fought in this kind of environment. 

The gang members had hidden in a building, and when the three arrived in front of the building, Tenebris had an idea. It was an old abandoned building that was going to be destroyed anyway, so he decided to do a good deed for once. He signaled to Orca and Kelvin to move away, and he touched the building with his right hand.

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