Perfect Mayhem, purely on instinct

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An empty bar with four people sitting at different spots, their souls torn by different reasons. The only attraction is the TV, leaving a small part of memories of this terrible moment to be heard.

"a terrible accident happened in Lungmen downtown. The Hotel Jade Garden has collapsed. We can see the fire department working to put out the fire and prevent any potential spread of fire"

"The L.G.D is now mobilized to catch the criminal gang Blooded Snake responsible for multiple terrorist acts and murder cases. Multiple bodies of the criminal gang have been found inside the collapsed hotel. No CCTV cameras were found at the hotel, leaving no evidence of what happened. Now we will talk ab-"

No sound or light from the TV reached them anymore. Instead, only the dim glow of the bar illuminated the room. A masked man let out a sigh as he took a seat in front of Tenebris, who was sitting on a couch. They locked eyes in a silent staring contest that lasted a minute until the masked man finally broke the silence.

"Who the heck are you?"

Orca stared at him, then her gaze returned to Tenebris. Sieg was too afraid and too broken to say something or lift his head to look above his legs, trembling again from the past event.

"I'm a customer who got caught up with my friend in this accident"

The masked man gave a quick look at Orca, then he looked at him again.

 "Bullshit, I've never seen a little girl like her cut multiple adult men in half as if it's butter, and you've done some weird white magic stuff..."

"She knows how to fight, and I know some  Arts"

"No joke. You two aren't even from Lungmen, are you? Otherwise, you would have known about the no-killing rule in the downtown area."

"Oh? So they can kill people and torture them like it's nothing, and we can't retaliate?"

"Not when all the CCTV cameras of the hotel are focused on the girl like some idol. The old man sacrificed himself to protect you two from the L.G.D who would have Thrown you both into some mansfield if they had seen you"

Sieg perked up at this statement, looking at the masked man, his cheeks and eyes wet from the previous tears. 

The masked man noticed him and continued to talk. "Well... he also did that because he needed to take down the Liberi that ignited himself like maniacs"

"This individual is a member of the Blooded Snake and is not to be underestimated. He use his Oripathy to enhance the power of his abilities, rendering him a formidable threat at the cost of a shortened lifespan. It was his presence that facilitated their swift infiltration of the hotel"

"And now what? You helped us, but not for free, right?" Tenebris stared intensely at the man, trying to pierce the facial mask with his gaze. He could easily do it with his dark matter, stripping the mask would be an easy task, making the man's face visible for everyone inside the bar. However, that wouldn't do any good; he had enough problems as it is.

 "I want your help to kill Luang and his gang"

"I hate work. You make me lose my time. What would make you think I want to do it?"

"For something, I don't know what it is, and I don't care about it, but you can be sure I can get you what you need from Lungmen"

"Is that so? Anything I want, huh?" 

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