My Life. My Rules. My Style. My Attitude.

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The darkness is reflected in the city of Lungmen by what has always been called the enemy of justice, an old enemy that has caused one of humanity's downfalls, greed and chaos, all for the dream of an apocalypse.


The  mysterious blond boy with  empty black eyes and the adorable dangerous girl with white hair and red eyes like those of an abyssal predator capable of scanning the slightest prey, and this prey she wants is corrupted objects, clearly an illusion of the past, foreign to this world and that's just as well except for the poor young girl who looks very sad.

The two walk together in the streets of Lungmen on a slightly cold but pleasant day, this stroll being a small whim of Orca at first, Tenebris decided for once to come with her. The search to go back home yielding no results, he has more time for himself.

Tenebris by her side takes her to cheer up the girl to a restaurant, originally tracing back from Siracusa. from the point of view of Tenebris, it was simply Italian but a cliché version, mafia, culinary tastes, and language included in the package. The restaurant is full of life, simple and unpretentious. The atmosphere is  family-friendly and the service is straightforward.

The two sit at a table and order, the blond had not eaten pizza in a long time, while the adorable candy hunter wanted, as usual, to go straight for dessert.

"Orca, you will learn to eat, or at your pace you will turn into sugar or something like that."

She looks at him for a few seconds and then nods. They then received their food, Tenebris with a pizza and a drink  and Orca with pasta. They start eating, but Orca stops in the middle and takes a chocolate bar from her pocket.

"Orca? You're not really going to do tha-"

"Orca? You're not really going to do tha-"

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Too late, she realized a heresy for all Siracusans and dared to put pieces of chocolate squares in her pasta. The manager looked at her in disbelief as if she had tainted his food as if he had been insulted by the worst insults in the world. Some customers witnessed the girl's action, and the majority were simply shocked.

The Wrath of Siracusans

A trio of Lupo with sunglasses, a hat, and... yeah, clearly they were mafia. They approached the table angrily. Tenebris urged Orca to leave, but she didn't move, enjoying her new improvised recipe.

"You bitch, how dare you! We're going to teach you a less-"

A Certain Terra TaleWhere stories live. Discover now