Chapter 7: "Uknown Ruckess"

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"OW! Crap! It hurts every time I move God!"

Skye yelled out, this was her way of making Carlisle to come over. Carlisle sat next to Skye in her bed. He held her hand and cried a little.

"I don't know what to do! I'm so sorry baby! I'm sorry.. And this is like the only time we could be together and I just don't know what to do!"

He got on his knees he leans on the bed and began to cry. He cried so much that his tears made a huge wet spot on the bed. Skye lifted up his head so the two made full eye contact. She told him.

"I'm so sorry for the distance. I love you so much and you know that."

She kissed him and hugged him, trying to hold back the agonizing pain from the cuts and bruises. Skye expeditiously detached from Carlisle and hacked up some blood.
Skye barricaded her mouth preventing the blood to flow out. Carlisle rushed to grab a bucket and a towel. He soon came back to Skye then put the bucket to her face so she could spit up in there and used to towel to wipe her face afterwards. Skye began to bawl, she didn't like the feelings she was getting in her stomach. Carlisle elevated her from her bed and carried her to the window. He unlocked the window, but he held onto her tightly so she wouldn't fall out.

"Enjoy the fresh air my love."

She looked at him and kissed his cheek. He made a half a heart with his water and she made the other half. The two of them noticed ever since Princeton had been around her flames were blue. But they didn't question it.

"Hey! Skye you feeling better?"

Princeton walked in and saw Skye, when he saw a little bit of the blood drip from the corner of her mouth he quickly grabbed the nearest towel and wiped it off. He looked at Carlisle and noticed that Carlisle eyes were asking for him and Skye to have some alone time but nicely. Princeton exited the room and Carlisle held Skye close and he whispered to her.

"Remember. When we were little? We would always say 'Forever."

They giggled and held each other hand. They said together.

"We meant it, it was a promise. And we will keep it."

They're powers were unleashed and they kissed. Princeton was watching the whole time. He didn't bother thinking about it. He kept his mind in a state where he couldn't hurt himself. He walked into the kitchen and made himself some breakfast. Carlisle picked up Skye and brought her to the bed, and layed her down.

"Want to go to the beach? You, me, Princeton, and Limelight. Okay?"

He said as he kissed Skye's forehead and he said,

"I'm going to go pack things okay babe?"

She nodded,and he said

"I love you"

She responded,

"I love you too."

A few minutes after Carlisle left, Princeton came in,

"You okay Skye..? Rough battle yesterday.. And your first one.. Wow.."

He laid next to her and cuddled with her.

"Hey.. Did you know that we have a bond? So.. I know how you feel. That's how the owner and the sword are supposed to be.. You just have a special sword.."

She giggled then hugged him.

"Prince, You, me, Carlisle and Limelight are going to the beach, Carlisle is getting the stuff ready."

He gave his feedback on the idea and he smiled. Skye sat up and was about to get out of the bed but then Princeton kissed Skye's cheek, her face became flushed red. She quickly grabbed her bikini and cover up and ran into the bathroom to get dressed and ready. Princeton punched the bed and grabbed a sticky note and wrote "I'm sorry. Please forgive me" he slid it under the bathroom door and Skye got it and didn't reply. Finally it was time to go. Everyone met up at the exit of Camp Fable and there was a taxi. Princeton tried talking to Skye but she just stuck next to Carlisle, they all got into the car then left. Halfway to the Beach, Skye was sitting in the middle of Carlisle and Princeton and Limelight was in the front,everyone was asleep but Skye and Princeton. Princeton tried to hold Skye's hand but she constantly moved. Finally he grabbed her hand and squeezed and whispered,

"I'm sorry!.. Please forgive me..."

Skye looked dead into his eyes and slipped her hand out of his. She shook her head as said,

"You knew he was in there. I could tell because your mind was blank. Usually it's not."

Skye began to cry

"I've been distant from him because of you..."

The taxi began to shake.

"What the hell was that?!"

They yelled.

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