Silent Cries, Hidden Wounds

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I woke up early with a pounding headache, remnants of last night's violence. My father had slammed my head against the counter, leaving a gash that bled profusely. I managed to patch it up, but the pain lingered, a constant reminder of the brutality I endured.

As I lay in bed, my thoughts drifted to Bakugou, my brother Eijiro's best friend. He had given me his old phone, urging me to contact him if I ever needed help. He was... different. Kind and strong. He made me feel seen, but I couldn't afford to get my hopes up. I had learned the hard way that hoping only led to more hurt.

I forced myself out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face to wake up. The mirror reflected a pale, bruised girl with tired eyes. I sighed, turning away from the reflection that felt so foreign yet all too familiar.

I made my way to the kitchen, starting breakfast before my parents woke up. Every movement was a struggle, my body aching from the previous night's beating. Sleep tugged at my consciousness, but I pushed through, knowing the consequences if I didn't have breakfast ready in time.

After my parents left for work, I allowed myself a moment of reprieve. I got ready for school, carefully putting on my uniform and attempting to hide the bruises with makeup. As I tied my hair, a wave of dizziness hit me. I gripped the sink, waiting for the room to stop spinning. Once the spell passed, I gathered my things and headed to school, ignoring the throbbing pain in my head.

At school, the day dragged on. I was already on edge when the usual bullies cornered me during lunch.

"Hey, freak, nice makeup. Trying to hide something?" One of them sneered, shoving me against a locker.

I said nothing, keeping my eyes downcast, but they continued their taunts.

"Cat got your tongue? Or are you just too dumb to speak?"

Their laughter echoed in my ears, each word a dagger. They eventually left, bored with my silence, but the damage was done. I felt sick to my stomach, my head pounding relentlessly. As the day wore on, my dizziness worsened. By the time the final bell rang, I was barely holding on.

On my way home, the world started to blur. Each step felt like walking through thick mud, my legs heavy and uncooperative. I could hear my heartbeat in my ears, loud and erratic.

I rounded a corner, and suddenly, the ground rushed up to meet me. I tried to steady myself, reaching for something to hold on to, but my vision went black. I collapsed on the sidewalk, unconscious, a small, broken figure in the sprawling city.

Aizawa's POV:

It was a routine patrol, the kind that allowed my mind to wander while my body moved on autopilot. After classes were over, I needed this time to decompress. Those damn brats... so fucking annoying... but they're learning a lot. I shook my head with a sigh.

My musings were interrupted by a commotion below.

"Who is she?" "Is she alright?" "Call the hospital."

A small crowd had gathered, their voices tinged with concern and confusion. I narrowed my eyes and leaped off the building, landing silently among them.

"Pro Hero Eraser Head. Step aside." I used my authoritative hero voice, and the crowd parted quickly.

There, on the ground, was a girl. She was unconscious, her face pale and bruised. I crouched down beside her, placing two fingers on her neck. Her pulse was weak but steady.

"Still breathing..." I muttered under my breath. Her appearance tugged at something inside me—she was so young, too young to be in this state.

I gently lifted her into my arms, careful not to jostle her more than necessary. The crowd murmured but made way for me as I started towards the nearest hospital. As I walked, I couldn't help but notice the bruises and cuts that marred her skin. Whoever did this to her... they would pay.

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