Midnight Confessions

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I was cleaning up the living room while my parents were out. The TV was on, playing a random news channel. I wasn't paying much attention, just letting the noise fill the otherwise silent house. Dusting the shelves, I caught a glimpse of a news anchor with a serious expression, and something made me pause.

"In breaking news, we have just received updates from the mission in Kyoto. Pro-heroes and hero trainees launched a surprise attack on a villain's base early this morning. While the mission was successful in rescuing all hostages, including women and children, a devastating turn of events has left the heroes trapped under the collapsed building."

My heart skipped a beat, and I dropped the duster. I sat down on the couch, eyes glued to the screen.

"The heroes, led by Pro-hero Eraserhead, were in the process of evacuating the hostages when the building began to collapse. Despite their efforts, the structure gave way, and the heroes are now presumed to be trapped underneath the rubble. Rescue teams are on-site, working tirelessly to locate and save them."

A video clip showed the chaotic scene: debris everywhere, rescue workers swarming the area, and frantic voices calling out for survivors. My chest tightened with worry. Eijiro was there. And... Bakugou.

"They didn't give any hint if the heroes survived or not," the anchor continued. "We will keep you updated as more information becomes available. Our thoughts are with the brave heroes and their families during this difficult time."

I couldn't breathe. My mind raced with fear. Eijiro. Bakugou. Will I ever see them again?

I jumped up and ran upstairs to my room. I ripped the covers off my bed, dug deep into the hole in my mattress, and found the phone Bakugou had given me. My hands trembled as I dialed Eijiro's number. It rang and rang, but he never answered.

Panic rising, I called Bakugou next. The phone rang and rang, but there was no answer. I sat on my bed, tears streaming down my face, repeatedly calling their numbers, begging them to answer. Each unanswered call made my heart ache more.

"Please, Eijiro. Please, Bakugou. Answer me. Let me know you're okay," I whispered through my sobs.

I kept calling, my desperation growing with each passing minute. The reality of their situation weighed heavily on me, and I felt utterly helpless. The silence from their phones was deafening, each unanswered ring echoing my worst fears.

Sitting there, clutching the phone, I felt a wave of loneliness and despair wash over me. The thought of never seeing them again was unbearable. My mind replayed every moment I'd spent with them, every smile, every word of encouragement, every hug. The possibility that those moments might now be memories twisted my heart in agony.

I curled up on my bed, the phone still clutched in my hand and cried. The uncertainty and fear consumed me, and I could only hope that somewhere, beneath the rubble, Eijiro and Bakugou were still fighting, still alive, still holding on.

My parents had received a call from the school about the situation in Kyoto, just like all the other parents. At first, they were crying and sobbing uncontrollably. But soon enough, their grief morphed into anger, and they came looking for a scapegoat.

"It's all your fucking fault!" my mother screamed, her hands raining down blows on me.

"Because of you, your brother is most likely dead!" my father shouted, joining in.

"Why couldn't you just die instead?"

"Why couldn't you be born with a quirk?!"

"You're so fucking stupid and ungrateful!"

"And so fucking ugly! No one with a quirk will ever want to marry you!"

I took their insults and beatings like I always did. This was my life: an ungrateful, ugly, useless, quirkless girl. I had no power to change it.

When they finally left and went to bed, still crying over Eijiro, I lay in my room, battered and bruised. I forced myself to stand on shaky legs, grabbed a sweater and my phone, and quietly slipped out of the house.

The streets were eerily quiet as I walked to the building again. It was dark, and the night air was cool against my skin. I climbed to the rooftop and sat down, staring up at the night sky. I felt a sense of calm here, away from the chaos of my home.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Bakugou's number again, not expecting an answer. To my surprise, he picked up almost immediately.

"Marinette? What's wrong? Are you alright? Do I need to come back?" His voice filled the quiet night, making me freeze.

He answered? He's...okay?

"Oi, Blue...you okay? Fuck, I'll try getting back tonight—"

"Are..." I cleared my throat, trying to steady my voice. "Are you...o-ok?"

"I...yeah, I'm alright. Just a bit scratched up. Why?" he asked, his voice softening.

"I...I saw on the TV...the bu-building collapsed," I stuttered.

"Mhm, yeah. But we got out. Thankfully. Your brother's out too, he's just sleeping," he reassured me.

"Th-thanks," I muttered, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Are you outside? I can hear the wind," he said, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Mhm," I hummed in response.

"I hope you're not on that rooftop again," he chuckled, and I couldn't help but grin sheepishly.

"Just don't do anything stupid, Blue. Or I will bring you back to life and kill you again," he joked, making me giggle.

"I love that sound," he muttered, and I felt my cheeks flush.

"Anyways, I'll be back home...in...two days? Due to the injuries of some of the heroes," he whispered, sounding tired.

"I...I'll go home now. I'll see you l-later?" I whispered back.

"Mhm...Bye, baby," he slurred, making my heart skip a beat.

I cut the call immediately, my face turning a deep shade of red. I sat there for a moment, letting the warmth of his words wash over me.

With a sigh, I stood up and started walking home, enjoying the peacefulness of the night. The thought of Bakugou and Eijiro being safe brought a small smile to my face.

Katsuki Bakugou x Marinette KirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now