Family Bonding

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Hizashi leaned against the doorframe of Marinette's room, a bright smile on his face. "Hey kiddo, guess what?"

Marinette looked up from her homework, curiosity sparkling in her bluebell eyes. "What's up?"

"We're having a family bonding day after classes today! We're going to the park, having a picnic, and playing games. It's going to be a blast!" Hizashi announced, his excitement contagious.

Marinette's face lit up. "Really? That sounds amazing! I can't wait!"

Hizashi chuckled. "Glad you're excited. Now finish up your homework. You've got hero training with Bakugou before we head out."

Marinette nodded enthusiastically. "Got it!"

Later that day, Marinette met Bakugou at the training grounds. He was already stretching, his intense eyes focused and determined.

"Ready for some combat training?" he asked, a smirk on his lips.

Marinette nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Yeah, let's do this!"

Bakugou started with a rigorous workout, making sure Marinette was physically prepared. They did various exercises, from push-ups and sit-ups to sprinting and weightlifting. Marinette pushed herself, determined to keep up with Bakugou's high standards.

After the workout, they moved on to combat training. Bakugou taught her basic self-defence moves, demonstrating each one with precision. Marinette followed his instructions, trying to mimic his movements.

"Remember, Blue, you need to be able to defend yourself," Bakugou said, his tone serious. "You don't have a quirk, so you need to rely on your physical abilities and quick thinking."

Marinette nodded, absorbing his words. "I understand."

They sparred for a while, Bakugou pushing her to her limits. Despite the intensity, Marinette felt a sense of accomplishment. She was learning and growing stronger.

"Good job, Blue," Bakugou praised after their session. "You're getting better."

Marinette beamed. "Thanks, Bakugou."

After training, Marinette rushed home, excited for the family outing. She found Hizashi packing a picnic basket while Eri bounced around, full of energy.

"Marinette! You're back!" Eri exclaimed, running to hug her.

"Hey, little sis!" Marinette laughed, lifting Eri into a tight hug.

Shinso walked in, carrying a blanket and some games. "Ready for some fun, Mari?"

"Absolutely!" Marinette replied, her excitement growing.

Mr. Aizawa entered the room, carrying a soccer ball. "Let's get going, everyone. We don't want to be late."

Marinette smiled at him. "Yes, sir!"

Mr. Aizawa gave a small smile, nodding his approval.

They all piled into the car, with Hizashi driving. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and chatter. They picked up Eijiro from Heights Alliance on the way, who was thrilled to join them.

At the park, they found a perfect spot under a large tree. They laid out the blanket and set up the picnic. Hizashi had packed an assortment of delicious food, and everyone dug in, enjoying the meal together.

Katsuki Bakugou x Marinette KirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now