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The scene shifted away from the snow and the students outside to the inside of a house

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The scene shifted away from the snow and the students outside to the inside of a house. Cathy, Amelia and Mary were inside the house with Amelia peeking out a window watching the smoke rise up from a distance with the sounds of sirens echoing.

"Shame. I wanted to see Harry and his friends muck about in Hogsmeade." James mumbled.

"I actually prefer Cathy's side of the future for now." Lily said.

Mary was sitting on a chair in the kitchen with Cathy boiling a kettle on the stove.

"Alright." Amelia began as she moved away from the window. "I don't think anyone followed us."

"Great." Mary let out a sigh of relief. "Last thing we need is to get involved in another fight. Especially since one of us can't seem to keep it together."

The sound of Thomas vomiting in another room echoed into the kitchen.

"Muggles." Amelia said shaking her head.

"I feel sorry for the lad." Sirius said. "He's had a really rough time of it."

After the kettle boiled, Cathy turned the stove off and pulled a cup out of a cabinet and began to make a cup of tea. Thomas entered the room looking pale and wiped his lips with the sleeves of his shirt.

"Hey. Feeling better?" Mary enquired.

"Not particularly." Thomas answered.

"Here." Cathy turned to him holding the steaming cup of tea. "I just brewed this for you. Should help soothe your stomach."

"Someone's polite." Remus said thinking how out of character it is for Cathy to be so kind.

"Or horny." James whispered in a volume so low his sister didn't hear.

"Thank you." Thomas said as he took the cup from Cathy. He raised the tea to his lips and just before he could take a sip, he stopped. Thomas lowered the cup and stared at the tea before glancing at Cathy.

"What?" Cathy asked innocently.

"When you say you brewed this...what does that entail exactly?" Thomas asked sceptically. "Like what did you put in it? A spell or a frog or something?"

"How offensive." Walburga said.

"It's tea. Just tea." Cathy huffed sounding offended.

Thomas still didn't look convinced but he took a sip regardless. Amelia looked outside the window again and sighed.

"Looks like things are starting to calm down." She said.

"Great." Thomas murmured. "Then maybe one of you could tell me what the bloody hell is going on."

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