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The scene fades away and remerges to show an older James Potter walking across the halls of Hogwarts in a rushed pace. He turned to right and entered the Transfiguration room.

“It’s me!” James exclaimed. “Look mum, I’m on the screen!”

The room had Dumbledore, McGonagall, Alastor Moody, Peter Pettigrew and Kingsley Shacklebolt. All of them were huddled around a table and when James got closer it was showed that they were looking at two puppies on a desk.

Kingsley Shacklebolt and Moody were both present with the Minister and noted their presence as did their fellow Aurors

“What’s this?” James questioned. “I thought you said that Sirius and Remus were attacked.”

“They were.” Dumbledore said. He looked down at the puppies and looked back to James. On the puppies were notes cello taped to their backs with their written names.

“What the hell, Cathy!” Sirius shouted to the girl and she just shrugged it off.

“No way.” James chuckled. “That’s them.”

The puppies started to yip and bark viciously.

“God, this is so humiliating.” Remus groaned as so of the Slytherin students laughed.

“Yes.” Professor McGonagall nodded. “They were transformed evidently.”

“Padfoot! Moony!” James laughed. “Got a little problem, do we? Turn them back, it’ll be easier to tease them.” The five people looked at each other strangely which unnerved James. “What? What is it?”

“We can’t change them back.” Dumbledore said.

“They what?” Sirius looked at the screen in shock.

“What do you mean?” James questioned. “Why not?”

“Watch.” Professor McGonagall said as she pointed her wand at the puppies. She said a spell and a red glow appeared on the puppies but that quickly died back down. “No matter what I’ve tried there seems to be something preventing me from turning them back.

“That’s Chaos magic.” Walburga noted.

“How is that possible?” James asked sounding worried.

“We’re not sure.” Shacklebolt said. “We found them in a basket at the Ministry.”

“Do you know where they were before that?” Dumbledore asked.

“They were interviewing people who might have been involve in the escape of Regulus Black.” Peter answered.

“Hmm. Regulus Black. The Scarlet Witch. And now this.” Dumbledore looked down on Sirius and Remus quite seriously. “Why were they turned into puppies?’

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