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The entire audience was silent as they looked back and forth between Sirius and James and Regulus and Cathy

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The entire audience was silent as they looked back and forth between Sirius and James and Regulus and Cathy. While most of the people were shocked there were some who had began to suspect that Regulus was the father of Cathy’s children.

“Oh boy.” Peter murmured as he looked to Sirius who seemed void of any emotion.

“Awkward.” Evan Rosier whispered to the other Slytherins.

Cathy and Regulus weren’t too shocked about the events. For Regulus, if anything, he felt glad that in the end he ended up with Cathy.

One of the people who felt the happiest at the recent turn of events would have been Walburga. After finding out that the Dark Lord that they’d all been waiting for turned out to be a mass murdering psychopath, the fact that her favorite son was the father of her future Chaos Castor grandchildren made her feel pleased.

“W-What!” James sputtered out staring at his sister and his best friends’ sister.

“You alright?” Remus asked Sirius who didn’t seem to respond.

“Let’s all just calm down.” Fleamont told everyone.

“Yes let’s.” Dumbledore agreed.

The scene with Harry meeting Regulus faded away and changed to one where Harry was asleep in a bed. The knocking on his door woke him up making him reach for his glasses.

“Harry, wake up!” Ron’s voice called out. Ryan opened the door to Harry’s room and walked in with an excited Ron. “Come on, Harry, wake up!”

“Merry Christmas Eve, Hazza.” Ryan greeted.

“Merry Christmas Eve, Ryan.” Harry replied with a grin.

“Oh sweet.” Euphemia said trying to clear the awkward atmosphere.

The three boys all got Harry out of bed and walked over to the corridor. Ryan stopped Harry and Ron and cleared his throat.

“Wake up!” He shouted. “It’s Christmas Eve!”

Percy came out of a room looking tired “What?” 

The scene shifted to Cathy and Regulus asleep in their bed. Both of them woke up and were tired. Regulus looked over to Catherine and took out a night guard from his mouth, like one that Ryan uses.

“Oh god.” Euphemia said.

“I have to go.” Sirius said getting up.

A lot of people were aware that Sirius fancied James’ sister and had been trying to woo her for the last three years. The fact that Cathy ended up with his brother at the end and the fact that they knew each other felt like a betrayal.

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