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The camera's view floated upward away from Harry's face and revealed the ceiling of the Great Hall

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The camera's view floated upward away from Harry's face and revealed the ceiling of the Great Hall. The ceiling didn't have the countless floating candles but instead showed a dark night sky with millions of stars.

The camera came back down and showed a grassy field that was being walked on by three witches and a muggle.

"I really wanted to stay and see how they catch the murderer." Severus said.

His words garnered the glares from James and his group with the exception of Sirius who looked down at his hands with pale expression.

"Ignore him, mate." Remus told Sirius.

"How much further?" Amelia asked Thomas who was holding a very bright flash light that was illuminating their path in the night.

"Just past those trees." Thomas answered. The cold night made their breaths visible in the form of white fog.

"Where are they going again?" Evan enquired.

"They were going to the Gaunt family home." Barty reminded him. "To find a clue about how the Dark Lord is related to Thomas."

"Because Thomas is his half-brother." Evann stated. "Didn't we already go through this?"

"We did." Regulus emphasized. "They haven't."

"Ooh! Right." Evan nodded.

As they continued to get closer all of a sudden Thomas stopped in his tracks. Cathy, Mary and Amelia all stopped as well when they noticed that he wasn't moving any further.

"Why did he stop?" Fleamont wondered.

The witches all looked at each other before Cathy spoke up.

"Uh, Thomas, is there something wrong?" she asked in an uncertain voice.

Thomas looked visibly shaken. "I don't know. I, uh, I feel like there's something I forgot."

Mary looked at Thomas concerned. "Like what?"

"I'm not sure." Thomas said. "I feel like there's something important at home that I have to get to. Right now."

"What are you talking about?" Cathy questioned. "We have to check out the Gaunt House because you're being hunted by Deatheaters and we have to find out why, remember?"

"B-But my house-" Thomas stuttered out. "There's something important-"

"What's more important than this?" Mary demanded. "We're trying to save your life, mate."

"What's his problem?" Marlene questioned.

"Hang on. There's something we're missing here." Dorcas said.

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