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The next scene opens up with a return to Ryan and Harry's timeline

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The next scene opens up with a return to Ryan and Harry's timeline. They, along with Ron and Hermione entered a large chamber that had large statues at both ends. The ones on the other side of the room were painted white and the ones closer to them were black.

"I don't like this." Hermione said with a worried expression. "I don't like this at all."

"I agree." Euphemia nodded.

"Where are we?" Ryan enquired. "A graveyard?"

"This is no graveyard." Ron said noticing the structure of the statues and the floor. "It's a chessboard."

"He's right." Regulus said taking note of the floor tiles.

"There's the door." Harry pointed. Behind the white statues were indeed a door.

The four of them walked forward towards the exit. Before they could walk past the white pawn pieces, the pawns came alive and blocked their way with their swords. The lot of them immediately back away and the pawns put their swords away after a few steps.

"Obviously not gonna be that easy." Remus said.

"I wonder which Professor cane up with this one." Lily said.

"The Devil’s Snare had Professor Sprout written all over it." Alice began listing on her hand. "And the keys must have been Professor Flitwick."

"Which one would have designed this room, do you think?" Regulus asked Cathy.

"Only one way to find out." Cathy smirked as she turned around to the Professors. "Oi! Whixh one of you lot's a big fan of chess?" Silently Professor McGonagall slowly raised her hand. "Mystery solved."

Regulus laughed quietly while Euphemia looked absolutely embarrassed by her daughters outburst.

Hermione looked to the boys concerned. "Now what do we do?"

"It's obvious, isn't it? We've got to play our way across the room." Ron said. He stepped forward and faced the other three wizards. "Harry, you take the empty bishop's square. Hermione, you'll be the queen-side castle. Ryan, you be the rook. As for me, I'll be a knight."

They all walked over to their respective postions and waited. Ron climbed up one of the knights horses and they all waited for something to happen.

"Doesn't the lad just look dashing?" Fabian asked his brother.

"That he does." Gideon nodded while Molly looked both proud and fearful for her son.

"What happens now?" Hermione asked. They all looked to Ron.

"Well, white moves first. And then...we play." As soon as he said it one of the white pawns moved forward.

"Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like...real Wizard's chess, do you?" Hermione asked.

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