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𝐋𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐑𝐨𝐬𝐞

The familiarity hit me as I took step inside the big mansion. My heart started beating again as I saw Chris on a call upstairs.

I looked beside me as I felt a cold yet warm hand on my waist. I smiled looking at him.

Zaeden was there standing beside me smiling. After our little Intense day at the end of the cliff we decided to come back and greet everyone.

I was so excited to meet everyone but still I felt guilty to leave without anything. I looked up and and called out .

"Chris!" His face never moved so fast, I think he might have hurt his neck. His eyes went big as he saw me.

He ran downstairs saying "Lily, oh my gosh." He didn't stopped until his body met with mine.he hugged me close to his body.

My eyes welled up with tears as he cupped my cheeks with his warms palms. He looked at me and smiled.

"Fuck Lily do you even know how much I missed you. I mean oh gosh is that really you?" He asked disbelief with the fact I'm standing in front of him.

I nodded as my tears fell down my cheeks. He hugged me again and whispered "I love you oh god this year was so hard without you. I have many teas to spill too." He said making me chuckle.

"I missed you too Chris." I said as more tears fell. "Oh my gosh! Is that Lily?" I heard someone saying as I recognised the voice.

I looked back and found Chris mom standing there with her hand on her mouth as she gasped looking at me.

"Oh my gosh Lily is that you? Is that gosh my-." She said coming closer to me as her hands wrapped around me.

My eyes were burning with tears. I had many scenes in my head dancing as I thought how I feel and what emotions would blast as I see everyone's face.

But the real feeling can never be expressed in words. And now I'm feeling hundreds of emotions in me as everyone's face visible to me.

She suddenly pulled back and scanned me from up and down. Then her brows frowned and she looked at me.

"Didn't you eat anything these days? Look at you. " I looked down at me and then at her.

"Oh my god Lily you have lost so much of weight come on let's eat. " She took my hands in her as I walked with her.

I turned behind and looked at Zaeden and Chris as they both giggled at me. My head hit something as I looked up and found mom looking behind me.

"You guys bring your ass to the kitchen and help me out. " She said and walked ahead. As I started walking something hard came down my butt.

Chris had spanked me. Hard.

"What the fuck Chris? " I asked bewildered. He smirked at me as his hand came to my waist holding me close. "What's with that grin? " I asked slightly suspicious.

"You're going to be dead baby. " He whispered in my ear. My brows growed in confusion. "What does that mean? " I asked.

"You know right Zaeden's been away from for a year? He was like a crazy dude, I mean he got angry about slightest things and he was big ass in our butt. " I laughed as he spoke ahead.

 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚜. Where stories live. Discover now