9. L̶̶̶o̶s̶i̶n̶g ̶M̶y̶s̶e̶l̶f

13 2 0

Lily Rose

'Lil cat'

The dark husky voice that made shiver ran down my spine.

He came back.

I turned to see but couldn't as it was a dark corner.

"Lil cat what the fuck is even that? that's too cheap don't you think lily. Who calls like that? And please it's between us, you should leave then Mr. " Josh said the last part to the person.

"Josh leave me, this is the last chance I'm giving you or else I'll call someone-" He cut me off before I could say anything.

"What will you do? I like you Lily so much.why can't you understand? I've been dropping hints for you too. But you seemed uninterested. Come to me Lily I can give you best life." I tried to push him.

"Josh this is getting too much. And you're drunk too, stop this and I'll leave." I said pushing him more.

He pulled me close and started coming closer when I felt someone pushing.

I fell on hard chest as I looked up to see Zaeden standing there and looking at Josh with a deadly glare. I pushed him and stood on my legs.

He went to Josh and chocked his throat.
"How can you touch her with your filthy hands bastard. She is mine and dont ever think of coming closer to her. " He said as he was choking him hard.

"Leave him Zaeden. You will kill him" He glared at me .

I pushed him hard as he stumbled back. I ran to Josh who was breathing heavily.

I patted on Josh's back to help him to breath.

"Why are you helping him Lily? Leave him and let's go" Zaeden said holding my hand.

"After you did this how can I leave him here. " I said jerking my hand back. "Lily don't be a fool. "

Without saying anything I got up and picked Josh hand to help him but he jerked my hand and got up on his own and left without saying anything.

As I was going to run behind him but got pinned on the wall.

"The fuck -" Before I could say anything he came closer to me.

His hand roamed towards my waist and pulled me towards him.

My breath hitched our lips were inches away. His heavy breath on my neck. I looked at his eyes and then his lips and again his eyes.

"Triangle method huh!! " He said. I looked at his dark grey eyes which were cold and emotionless.

"Can you leave me? I need to go. I said looking somewhere else. His hand came up to my chin making me look into his eyes.

"Whom do you like and whom are you waiting for Lily? "

My eyes widened as I realized his words as those were the words which I spoke to Josh.

I tried breaking from his hold but no help.

"Let me go Zaeden. "

"Don't move " I didn't listen to him.

I tried but suddenly he started sucking my neck. He sucked hard as I still tried to push him.

He sucked hard as I tried to control my moans. He suddenly bit my neck.

"Ahh" I moaned. As he moved his mouth from my neck and looked at me and then at neck.

"Finally. I can say that you're mine." He said and went out of the room.

 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝙴𝚗𝚍𝚜. Where stories live. Discover now