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With a surge of determination, I nod in reluctant agreement

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With a surge of determination, I nod in reluctant agreement. A flicker of satisfaction crosses Val's face as he releases his grip on me. The moment his hands let go, I spin around and start running, my heart pounding.

I dash down a hallway, footsteps muffled by the worn carpet underfoot. Panic and adrenaline surge through me as I duck into a shadowy alcove, my breath coming in shallow gasps. But I groan when I realise it'll be too easy of a hiding spot - slowly I get down from the cocooned place and sprint down the never-ending hallway.

I turn a corner and find myself in what looks like a grand library, its shelves lined with dust-covered books. The room is dimly lit by the faint glow of the moon through the broken windows. I dart behind a large, tattered curtain, pressing myself against the wall and trying to quiet my breathing.

The seconds tick by, each one feeling like an eternity. I strain to listen, my ears attuned to the faintest sound. The house is deathly silent, save for the occasional creak of the old floorboards.

Suddenly, I hear it—footsteps. Slow, deliberate, and far too close for comfort. My heart races as the sound grows nearer, the steady rhythm of his approach sending a chill down my spine.

I hold my breath, praying he won't find me. The footsteps pause just outside the library door. The silence is suffocating, each second stretching out painfully.

Then, the door creaks open. I peek through a small gap in the curtain, my eyes widening as Val steps into the room, his expression one of focused determination. He moves with a predator's grace, his gaze sweeping the room methodically.

I press myself tighter against the wall, willing myself to become invisible. The air is thick with tension as Val takes a step closer to my hiding spot. His eyes flicker towards the curtain, and for a moment, I fear he's seen me.

He pauses, tilting his head slightly as if listening for my racing heartbeat. The seconds drag on, and then, mercifully, he turns away, continuing his search on the other side of the room.

I let out a silent breath, relief flooding through me.

Just when I think I might escape, I feel a hand close around my waist, pulling me roughly into the dim light. I look up, meeting Val's gaze—victorious, yet strangely tender.

"You're mine," he whispers, his voice a mixture of triumph and something deeper, something I can't quite decipher.

My heart sinks as the realization sinks in—I've lost the game.

I've lost the fucking game.

What the fuck do I do now?

My blood runs cold when I see a shiny sharp metal hanging loosely from his fingers.

A blade.

I start back away, but he is faster. His hand wraps around my wrist, yanking me towards him with a firm grip. I stumble, breath catching in my throat, and find myself pressed against his chest. His other arm encircles my waist, holding me securely in place.

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