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The half-empty cup of black tea and avocado toast sits on the dining table as I drop the keys into the coffee table

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The half-empty cup of black tea and avocado toast sits on the dining table as I drop the keys into the coffee table. Today was a hectic schedule, with back-to-back seminars and internship projects to be completed and mid-terms coming up. I did spend my whole day with Alex, he made it seem less tiring honestly.

My head was aching.

I couldn't fuck this up. All of this was my dream.

I have to do my practicum at the nearby mental health clinic in another four hours - it won't be much work, just assisting with patient care, conducting assessments, and participating in therapy sessions to build my portfolio.

Guess I could just take a small break.

I sank into the couch, closing my eyes for a moment, letting the quiet of the apartment seep into my bones. The past week had been a blur of lectures, late-night study sessions, and endless cups of coffee. The pressure was mounting, and the constant buzzing anxiety made it hard to breathe sometimes.

I glanced at the clock. I had some time before I needed to head out again. Maybe a short nap would help clear my head. Just as I was about to drift off, my phone buzzed with a notification.

It was a message from Cherry: "Hey babe, hope you're surviving. Need to talk?"

I smiled at the screen, grateful for her constant support. "Barely. Got a practicum later. Just trying to rest for a bit." I replied.

"Oh come on, it's Friday night - finish off that internship and let's go out tonight?"

I stared at her message, considering it. The idea of a night out sounded tempting. It had been ages since I had done anything remotely fun or relaxing. A part of me craved the escape, the chance to forget about the stress of school and...

Who-know-who for a while.

It's been three days - not a fucking word from him. He can go die for all I care.

"You know what? You're on. Let's fucking do it."

"Yay! Can't wait. What time does your work end?"


"That's good, let's meet at the club at 10. Evelyn is coming too!"

"Perfect. I'll see you then," I typed back, feeling excited.

The practicum at the mental health clinic would be a mix of emotions, but knowing I had something to look forward to make it easier. I took a quick shower, changed into my scrubs, and grabbed my bag, ensuring I had everything I needed for the day.

The clinic was bustling with activity when I arrived. The familiar scent of antiseptic and the hum of conversations filled the air. I greeted the staff and quickly got to work, assisting with patient care, conducting assessments, and participating in therapy sessions. The hours flew by, each moment reinforcing my passion for this field.

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