Tom Imagine

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*flash* your best friend Tom's camera appears in front of your face. You're about to shout at him but his mischievous smile stops you in your tracks. You've always been best friends but recently he's had an effect on you that you've noticed before. "You always carry that thing round!" You laugh pointing to his prized possession. "I think there's a picture of a two year old you taking a picture of me somewhere." "You know none of the other girls let me take pictures of them (y/n)!" He groans snapping another one of you. "Besides, you're the most beautiful muse!" The words barely leave his mouth before his cheeks have gained the adorable blush you're so used to seeing. You brush off the comment pretending that his words hadn't affected you. Your friendship was too strong to have these kinds of feelings towards him.
"I want to show you something!" He tells you excitedly, taking your hand and leading you towards his black BMW.
As soon as you're in the car you reach for the radio system, changing the station until you find a good song. The second you hear Busted's 'year 3000' playing you stop and turn towards Tom. Before you know it you're both singing at the top of your voices, earning strange looks from the people walking on the nearby pavement.
When you finally reach Tom's house you walk straight to the back garden, him leading you away from the house and towards his little studio. When you were younger this was your playroom but since Tom made it his own space you hadn't been in. Slowly, the door swung open, revealing the off white walls, still painted the way you two did it as children. Filling one wall was a collage of pictures, all of them showing you throughout the years. Tears begin to fill your eyes as you survey the wall. Years of memories all stored into one place. "This is so beautiful!" You whisper looking up to see Tom fidgeting nervously with the the friendship bracelet you made him when you were children. "I'm glad you like it!" He smiles sincerely stepping closer to you. "I've been trying to find a way to tell you this for a while now Olivia but I like you. I always have. I've just been far too scared to tell you."
You want to reply but you can't. Instead, you walk towards him, pulling him towards you so your lips could meet his!"

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