Danny imagine

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You glance at yourself in the mirror. Taking in your appearance one last time. Were you too overdressed for a blind date? This guy could be a complete creep yet you'd put all this effort into how you look.
You brush that idea aside as you drive to the restaurant. Your best friend Danny had arranged this date and most of the time you trusted him with your life. As soon as you arrived you saw the guy you were meant to be meeting. Danny had described him perfectly and from first looks he seemed alright. This illusion was soon broken though when he started talking. The guy was loud, obnoxious and far too handsy when hugging you. As much as you trusted Danny his choice in male friends had never been great and it hurt you that he'd think to set you up with one like this.
About half way through the starter, you can't take any more. You run to the toilet pulling out your phone and dealing the only person who could cheer you up, despite him being the reason you're in this mess.
"Faye are you okay?" He answers almost immediately.
You roll your eyes at his over protectiveness before replying "He's awful Danny! How could you?"
Danny audibly sighs before the words start to tumble out of his mouth, his tone raising and his speed increasing like he does when he's nervous. "I'm so sorry Faye! I just keep trying to make you happy but none of these guys are good enough for you! I should just man up and take you on these dates myself. I give you bad guys because I can't bare to lose you. You're mine! I want it to stay that way forever."

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