Danny Imagine

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*8years old*
"Cinderella dressed in yellow, went up stairs to kiss a fella..." You watch on as your friends play without you. All of them insisting that you have to be the one to miss out. You smile sadly as they count how many times they can jump over the rope. They were so mean sometimes. "Excuse me?" You pry your eyes away from your 'friends' to see a small Curley haired boy looking up at you. "I'm new here and I need some friends, can I play with you?" Your friends look up sniggering before getting back to their game. Their evil looks make it ten times easier to make up your mind. Grabbing the new boys hand you pull him away from them towards the swing set, never looking back.
*18 years old*
"Only you could blag tickets to such a big event!" You hear the familiar voice across the room as the three over dressed witches head straight towards Danny. You knew they'd be at this, they were the most rich girls in the area but it didn't hurt any less that they continued to disregard you the way they always have. You watch as the leader of the pack trails her hand across your best friend/boyfriends arm. She seems to look at you as she does so an evil smirk present on her face.
At this Danny pushes her away looking her straight in the face. "No disrespect" he laughs "but you're a bitch! You've treated everyone so bad all these years and because I'm in a band you think you can change that!" He leads them over to you slowly. "I'm not blind and I can clearly see the only person that truly cares about me here is the same one that did ten years ago." He takes your hand clasping it into his own. "And to be frank, Lauren's the only person here I care about." He says, taking your face in his hands and pulling you slowly towards him.

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