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With a flick of Raven's fingers, tendrils of darkness lashed out at the two demons. Sloth went sprawling. Gluttony was pushed back into the road.

Raven winced at the shattered remnants of cement. She'd been trying to keep the property damage to a minimum. But demons running rampant was worse than angry taxpayers.

Gluttony lunged forward with a too-large smile full of ivory blades.

An array of violet shields and ebony coils sprung forth at Raven's command. The air tingled with magic. Her nostrils burned from the ripe demonic stench of brimstone.

The overwhelming emotions of the two demons kicked in. Raven had the sudden urge to yawn and bail on the fight to raid the Waffle House down the street. Most demons were full of rage and pain (tolerable, but not nearly as suffocating as humans). The Sins were different: they were straightforward, and mostly felt one thing. It was easier to block out.

Sloth had come to (Raven thought she'd heard snores just moments before). He lurked above Raven's head atop the lamppost, poison dripping from his mouth.

In one swift motion, Raven made a tugging gesture with her arm. Darkness twisted around the pole. Metal groaned as it bent. The lampposts down the sidewalk shed sparks as they wilted like flower corpses.

Sloth landed on the other Sin's shoulders. The two tumbled down in a mess of inhuman limbs. Raven directed the shadows around them, creating a sealed dome.

I need to bind them, somehow—that's the only way to prevent them from wreaking havoc. But bind them to what...? It's not like I have any enchanted crystals on hand—oh, wait...

Raven suddenly became aware of the crimson crystal resting against her forehead; the main source of her migraines. That may create more problems than it will solve. I already have to listen to Him. I don't think he'd be fond of company.

An angry roar answered in her head, forcing her to press a hand to her temple. That would be a no. Maybe I should just contain them in an empty soda bottle lying around until I get home...?

The Sins had broken free from their captivity. Claws and fangs tore and ripped. Shadows dimmer than dusk writhed and consumed.

Raven followed them into an old, rusting parking garage. Cemented pillars flanked her on all sides. She couldn't lose sight of demons in this awful-smelling labyrinth.

Something flickered in the corner of her eye, darting through the columns. She didn't sense anything; it was probably some poor person trying to find their car. Raven kept her gaze trained on her opponents, determined to prevent any escape.

Sloth's jaw stretched beyond any humanoid as his mouth opened wide, poisonous gas filling the air. The stone column closest to Raven hissed and started to sag.

Raven conjured a portal behind her. She floated backwards and reappeared a short distance away. The poisonous cobalt cloud continued to hover ominously.

Raven continued to glide backwards, revealing someone hiding behind the nearest pillar.

Familiar amethyst eyes gazed back at her.

They were identical. Not a single hair out of place. Even the clothes were positioned in the same manner. Same black trench coat, same combat boots, same shoulder-length hair.

Raven felt her shoulders moving up and down rapidly, yet air refused to fill her lungs. It was Raven. The only difference was that this Raven had a saffron-yellow gem glistening on her forehead.

Raven hadn't realized that she was still floating backwards until she passed another column, blocking her view of the doppelgänger.

What — how — am I going insane? Did I actually see that? Am I hallucinating? Maybe I inhaled the toxins of the gas —?

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