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— T I T A N S   T O W E R —

"You don't have to do this," Raven told Constantine. Raven didn't have many boxes to move in with, but he insisted on helping her carry them.

"I have some extra time on my hands," Constantine replied as they climbed the steps to Raven's old home together.

When she told Constantine the news about returning to the Titans, it was the most awkward conversation she'd ever had. If it could be called a conversation. They sat in silence for a majority of it; Raven staring at her shoes and Constantine scratching the back of his head.

"If that's really what you want, love." He had told her. "You can leave this place anytime. You know that."

Raven stared at the back of John's head now. Whatever he felt ( if he felt anything at all), he shoved it down, buried to the point where she had trouble deciphering anything. She knew it was rude to prod like this, too, but she couldn't help it.

Her gaze passed Constantine and studied the skyscraper that loomed before them. Titans Tower was located away from the city, nestled on a small patch of land amidst the ocean. San Francisco's silhouette shaped the horizon, and could be seen from nearly every window in the Tower. A constant reminder of the Titans' responsibilities. The view felt like a weight on her shoulders now.

Between London and Gotham, Raven wasn't used to clear blue skies; the unfamiliar glare of the sun burned into her back. Amidst the ever-present embrace of warmth, she found herself squinting at the brightness blazing across every surface; from pavement, to glass, to sea. Raven thought dryly about the possibilities of bursting into flames on the spot as she approached the four figures standing near the entrance of the Tower.

"Raven!" Kory filled her vision as she leapt forward with a bone-crunching hug. Raven's hold on her box tightened as she removed an arm to embrace her favorite Tamaranian. The fruity aroma of the many conditioner packets that Kory drenched her hair with filled Raven's nostrils.

"I missed you, Kory." Raven meant it as her hold tightened. She didn't expect to feel this relieved...no, this thrilled to see Kory. A new warmth settled beneath Raven's skin that wasn't the work of the relentless orb in the sky overhead.

"I'm so glad you've returned to us."

Raven stiffened when she looked over the tallest Titan's shoulder. Damian stood with Dick nearby. Raven had healed Damian's wounds earlier from his run-in with Harley Quinn, so there were no welts or bruises. Both were silent. That wasn't like Dick, especially in Damian's presence. The source of the silence was probably the towering Kryptonian right next to them.

"Clark?" Raven reluctantly parted from Kory as she faced him. "Is everything okay?"

"Hey, everything's great. Just heard you were moving back in and thought I'd stop by. Need a hand?" Clark Kent's generosity continued to baffle her as an empath, meanwhile he lightly took the cardboard box from her arms. Raven bit down on her lip as the bright crimsons and cobalts of his suit shone in the sun like a beacon. The light seemed more drawn to him than any other object; he was impossible to miss.

"You don't have to do that, I can teleport them up—" Raven started.

"Don't worry about it, I got it," When Clark turned, Constantine blocked his path.

"Didn't expect to see you here, Constantine," Clark replied.

"Hmm," Constantine's eyes narrowed at him. "Same to you, Clarky."

As the two remained locked in their own staring contest, Dick and Damian appeared at Raven's side.

"Welcome home, Raven. So...who's the blond guy that looks like Sting?" Dick whispered.

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