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 I Monster - Who Is She ?


Craig sits in his room with his laptop at the desk, looking over photos he had taken of Mysterion. There was something gnawing at the back of his mind ever since lunch earlier that day. Something he hadn't ever given much thought to before.

Could Mysterion be someone at his school?

He never really delved deeper into it, just figuring that the masked vigilante was someone from outside of it. Or someone that could've been older than himself. But what if... What if so? He never thought of it before, that he could be going to school with him. With the him that didn't hide behind a mask.

The thought had probed at his brain all day after seeing Kenny's wrist. The markings of the bruise were in a similar place to where they had been on Mysterion's wrists after setting him free. But it was probably just a strange coincidence, after all, Kenny said he got it from a fall. And it was unlikely that both his wrists were bruised in the exact same spot.

Although, now that he thought about it. He didn't really know much of Kenny at all, other than he kept to himself usually and always wore that dumb parka that hid his face. The more he thought about it, the more of a mystery Kenny seemed to grow.

As Craig stares at a picture of the masked individual, the gnawing feeling at the back of his head continues to grow.

There was something else that also seemed strange to him now that he thought about it. He hadn't seen any sign of Mysterion since he set him free, which was to be expected he supposed, but he found it odd how Kenny had been absent from school the past some days as well... Still though, that could just be a coincidence as well.

The weekend passes and Craig finds his thoughts drifting between, wondering if Mysterion might be someone at his school and Kenny. The image of his wrist playing out repeatedly in his head, fixated there.

When Craig arrives at school, he finds his gaze being drawn to the said boy he had been thinking of on and off for the past couple of days. He was standing at his locker putting his bag away and getting his books or something.

Craig's own locker was down the next hall and as he turns the corner to it, he stops, spotting Kenny close his locker. And almost as if sensing his watch on him, Kenny pauses and turns his head in Craig's direction.

The moment he spots him, his demeanor changes, almost becoming stiffer, like the last time Craig saw him. Kenny then quickly looks away and heads off, almost rushing down the hall in the opposite direction. As soon as he's out of sight, Craig continues on his way, paying no mind to the odd event.

He goes through his morning classes like usual, till lunch arrives. He wasn't sure why, but some part of him had been looking forward to it all morning.

As Craig and his friends, Clyde and Token, enter the cafeteria, his eyes are quickly drawn to the color orange sitting at a lunch table by a window. The light from outside shining bright off the color, creating a silhouette from a distance that for a split second, reminds him of his hero, his... Mysterion.

"Hey," Craig speaks up, elbowing Clyde, "shouldn't you go over and thank him?"

"Huh? Who?" Clyde asks, confused. Craig points and Clyde follows its direction, "I still don't know who you're talking about."

"He's talking about Kyle," Token says.

"Oh," Clyde says, "nah, it's okay. I'm sure he knows."

"Clyde," Token groans, "you pestered him all lunch before to help you with your assignment. I have to agree with Craig, you should go over and thank him."

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