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Snow Hill - Hungry Like The Wolf

She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart


Fear filled Kenny ever since yesterday's incident in the storage room with Craig happened. He avoided him as best he could afterwards, quickly rushing straight home the moment the bell rang. But even in the safe haven of his bedroom, it didn't quell his unease with what had happened. This was the first real move Craig had made since their aforementioned 'relationship' began, and the uncertainty of what may come next, terrified him.

He didn't want to go to school today, but knew he had to, since he had already missed so many days. So, with a couple deep breaths in, he tries to calm himself. Once he feels ready enough, he gets dressed, preparing for another unnerving day.

When arriving at school, everything seems fine. Fine because he has yet to see any sign of Craig. While making his way over to his locker, he spots Stan. He waves and Stan returns it with a smile. He thinks of going over to him, once he puts his things away, but freezes the moment a tight grip is placed upon his shoulder.

Even before he spoke, Kenny knew who it was.

"You're going to be late."

Kenny briefly catches Stan watching them, the friendly smile no longer on his face. Kenny turns away, turning to face his tormentor. He doesn't reply, nor say anything. He ignores the unsettling gaze that meets his own, by averting his eyes. Silently, he is guided along to his first class by Craig.

Craig proceeds to do this between all his morning classes, until lunch arrives. Kenny, try as he might, hurries to put his things away and rush to the lunchroom before Craig finds him. He manages to spot his friends, just as they sit down and makes his way over to them, almost desperately so.

But fear grips itself around his forearm, locking him in place.

"Where are you going?"

"To sit with my friends," Kenny replies, keeping his gaze on them.

"You don't need them."

"That's not for you to decide."

"The only one you need is me. Your boyfriend," there's a tug on Kenny's arm as he's dragged away, "come on, let's go take a seat."

Kenny digs his heels hard into the floor, enough to stop him from moving.

"Why do you get to see your friends, but I can't see mine?" Kenny asks, anger in his tone.

"I told you, you don't need them," Craig replies flatly, "they don't understand you, like I do."

"Right," Kenny scoffs, "cause you understand me so well."

"I do," Craig states. He lifts his other hand and gently cups Kenny's cheek, "I understand you much more than anyone in this school, or world, ever will."

There's a small smile that plays on Craig's lips and something behind it unsettles Kenny. He turns his head away from Craig's hand and faces in the direction he's being forced to go.

"Whatever..." he mutters.


When gym class comes around, it luckily doesn't have any repeats from the last time and passes by relatively smoothly, much to Kenny's relief. His walk home however, puts him on edge. Craig had been very persistent about walking him home once more, despite Kenny's protests. Not wanting to walk beside him, he tries to out walk Craig, by power walking. It doesn't create much distance between them though, since Craig is able to keep up with him. Luckily, when he reaches his front door, Craig doesn't follow him right up to it this time. Instead he stays standing a few feet away and watches him. Kenny hurries to open the door, not questioning it. Craig only gives a small wave goodbye when Kenny finally unlocks it, then promptly slams the door shut in his face.

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