💜"Poisoned deal" 🦴 banhammer x subspace

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same as before
I'm running outta words here
enough of the top

Subspace held Banhammers hand while the two walked in the snowy climate of black rock which was a big change for banhammer temperature wise.

"Is black rock always this cold?!" Banhammer adjusted a jacket subspace gave him for the brutal cold of black rock.

"always snowy here! just get use to it." Subspace looked up at Banhammer who looked down at him with a frown.

"cheer up big fella, my lab won't be THIS cold!, well.. maybe." Subspace giggled speeding up his walking speed more tugging Banhammer.

"Everything is cold here! Nothing like Banlands!" Banhammer groaned letting himself just get pulled with subspace

Subspace kept speed walking until he started to recognizable a road with all the buildings.

"We are close don't worry!" Subspace watched Banhammer who quickly moved now more to the side of subspace.

The building number then appeared as subspace pointed at it with Banhammer looking at it for a moment.

"About time we were here!" Banhammer rushed inside where subrat was dragged very quick with the sudden movement from Banhammer.

Banhammer looked around the building to see a small office and stair case along with a elevator door.

Subspace let go of Banhammer gesturing for him to come towards the elevator which had opened once he clicked the button for it.

Banhammer walked inside the elevator with subspace who clicked the button for floor 6.

The two started talking about what the plan even was for the night of Banhammer was staying over or not.

Eventually the two agreed he'd sleep on the couch even tho his fat ass probably can't.

Once the elevator opened Banhammer ran out throwing subspace off guard nearly having the elevator doors close on him.

Subspace grabbed a key from his pants pockets walking towards the left to a door labeled F 10,
putting the key into the lock with the door opening.

the two entering the small apartment room well at least for Banhammer it was small for subspace it was the perfect size.

Banhammer walked toward a decent sized white couch and glass/wood coffee table leaving him confused.

"How the hell haven't you stained your couch?!" Banhammer looked over the couch at subspace who was currently taking off his shoes.

"I don't sleep on it and spend more time in my lab." Subspace said still focused onto his shoes.

eventually subspace got his shoes off walking over to where Banhammer was who held the small remote in his hand.

Subspace grabbed the remote from his hand walking back for the kitchen with Banhammer turning back looking straight at him.

"we are eating first before you even fall asleep." subspace laughed before being hit on the head immediately after.

Banhammer stood with his arms crossed in front of him.

"ow!, what was that for!" Subspace complained looking up at Banhammer who had a frown.

"You always eat weird things out of everything that is an option!" Banhammer complained.

"Name one thing!" Subspace rolled his eyes thinking he doesn't eat weird things.

"Your stupid poison." Banhammer moving to a chair now with subspace standing still with wide eyes.

erm time skip to when it's night because I've wrote to many things with food.

Banhammer layed on the couch with his arm off the side.

Subspace sat next to him already asleep himself from the tv and being tired.

Banhammer looked up reaching up for subspace pulling him closer towards where he layed on top of him into a almost like hug before falling asleep himself.

Fish erm thingy

Phighting One shots requestWhere stories live. Discover now