Chapter 11 : The DECISION !

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Enjoy reading 😊


Aadarsh's POV:

Shivika went back to her home after our conversation. I made sure she reaches safely. Yes , I did follow her. I was very concerned about her well being after she cried that much. I know it's wrong , but my heart didn't feel at peace so yeah !

I came back home and went to my room. I got fresh and slept on bed thinking about what happened in cafe ......

I was just shocked , surprised and what not !! 

It was very hurtful to watch her cry. It made my heart wrench. I couldn't do much. I could not stop her from crying, may be she needed it badly. Sometimes crying is helpful, it reduces our heart's sorrow also it shows that we have endured it alot ! So I just let her. 

I answered sincerely to her question. Yes , I'm ready to wait for her. I'm okay with it . My parents are okay with it and respects her decision. So now all depends on her decision. I can't be selfish here and pray like she says yes. I would just pray that , whatever she chooses , she should not regret it. 

If she says no , then I will go away from her life and may be never meet her again.

If she says yes , then there is no turning back and she'll be my queen forever !!!!

It was genuine of her to have negative thoughts that the opposite person might cheat or abuse. Cheating has become so common these days. But I'm not one of those people who do that. I'm a "One Woman Man" !!!

But, everything depends on her. 

--- Next morning ---

I was got ready and came to dining hall. Everyone were present there as if they were waiting for me. I sat on chair and served myself the breakfast. It was complete silence. 

"How was your meeting with Shivika ?" my mother asked. 

"It was good. She has asked for some time" I said and focused on my breakfast. I should not tell them about all the things she said. It's very personal. If required in future then I might tell , but not now. 

"Hmmm" she said and concentrated on her plate. Not only her , everyone who were present there. I guess they were waiting for me to give the update. 

After breakfast, I came to office and was working when Aakash came to me. 

He started asking questions about yesterday and I told him everything !! He is an exception  🤓

He was shocked but appreciated me for my mindfulness and how I handled the situation. 

It was evening and I came back home, had dinner and went back to sleep with thoughts about her and what will be her decision. 

Shivika' s POV: 

Confusion , Confusion and Confusion !!! 

This is my current situation. Everything , everyone just confuses me. Making me feel dumb. 

Aadarsh is nice person. I've met him thrice , twice it was good and third time ! Not to mention🤧

It was a decision that changes my life completely. Either in a good way or worst way ..... may be.

I even asked Saarika her but she directly said,

"It should be your decision Shivika ! not mine, not your parents , only yours. Because it's your life. We may give our opinion but decision should be made by you. Listen to your heart. We will not be always with you. You need to come up and decide. And whatever decision you take, I'M ALWAYS WITH YOU !!" 

That's why I like her. it's like she is with me , but not with me. You know what I mean !!!

If I said yes and it turns good decision then good ! If not then I have to suffer and I'm not favour of that !

If I say no then, obviously my parents will come up with some other profile, what if he is not good as Aadarsh ? What if he does something bad ! What if my parents agree to that ? 

Arghhhhhh !!!!! This is trusfrating !!!! I mean , frustrating !!!

"Shivika , you'll go mad if you continue to think like this !! This is going beyond my thinking and I need to stop this...... Yes , this is right !" I thought to myself. 

"Therapy session ! , Yessss".

This is not my first time taking session. I've taken it before when my mental health went down hill. That saved me alot of times. 

-- "Therapy is not bad. It keeps mental health good and courage to cope up with things"  --

Anyway , I completed my session and now I was clear with my decision. It's good for me.

And it is ...........


Hey Guys !! How are you all ?

Whatever I have written about Therapy, it's my opinion completely. I do not intend to hurt anyone's feelings. I just felt like that so added it. Please do not get offended. I repeat , it's not for hurting anyone feelings.

I've kept this chapter a little short. 

Also , a very big Thank you for all the reads and votes 💝😍😘🥰🤗

This is for constant readers ! 

I got to know that , votes help i algorithm ! I do not know what that is

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I got to know that , votes help i algorithm ! I do not know what that is. Can anyone please help me with that ? Also please vote 🤭🤗  Pretty Please !!!

It means a lot to me. It is boosting my confidence a little. It would be really good if you guys let me know your thoughts in comments, it'll help me to know about your opinions as well !!

Suggestion are always open. This is my first time writing and I'll need all your support.

Please share with your friends as well.

Please don't be silent reader. It's a request from the first time author 🥺 Please ,Please ,Please !!

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ID - Dr_eamer_88


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