Chapter 10 : Shivika's decision - Yes or No ?

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Enjoy reading 😊


Shivika's POV:

I was going crazy with all the events happening around me. Meeting him , telling him about my wish, my parents yelling at me when they got to know, him telling that his parents agreed to wait. Everything seems like a dream to me. 

I was not sure what to reply to him. He will definitely ask about this if I call message or call him. 

I didn't contact him any way yesterday. I was afraid. Thanks to god that Saarika was with me these two days. Otherwise I didn't know what I would do.  

I didn't talk or had any interaction with my parents after that. I was just afraid and didn't feel like it. When I came down stairs, they both were sitting on sofa. We both looked at each other and broke the eye contact. 

"I'm going to meet Aadarsh" I told them and came out of house. I didn't even wait to see or hear their reaction.

Today I thought to clear all this mess. I created it so I only need to clean it. I messaged Aadarsh to meet. Yes, I volunteered to meet. Because water was going over my head and I need to come out of it. Either I will agree or disagree to continue this relation. I was not ready with my answer but I wanted to know why did he agree ? why did his parents agree ? 

I was waiting in cafe where we met for first time. He arrived just then when I was in thoughts.

"Hey !" He greeted.

"Hi" I said with little smile.

"How are you ?" he asked.

"Good" I answered which was definitely not true.

"Hmmm" He said.

We sat there in silence for 2 , 3 mins. It's me who invited him to meet and sitting silent. I didn't know how to start , from where to start. I clubbed my courage and then, 

"Aadarsh , I'm sorry , I didn't reply or call you yesterday. I was not feeling good and somethings happened at my house. I was disturbed" I said.

"It's okay Shivika , I understand. Also Saarika told me about that. Can I know what exactly happened ? Tell me only if you are comfortable enough ......." he said.

I just looked down. This person whom I met like only two times asks my consent and makes sure that I'm comfortable every time. Whenever he asks something personal he tells this ...." only if you are comfortable ......" , how can someone be like this ? Is he real ? Am I comfortable enough to share all those things ? 

"Umm ... Hey , you there ?" he asked.

"Yeah , sorry I was thinking something" I apologized.

"No issues .... so ........?" he said.

"Nothing much , my parents got to know that I've told you about marrying after 25. They didn't expect me to pull such stunts so you know , just small arguments. That's it" I said. It felt I told him but still didn't.

He just nodded. Again we went to silent mode. I guess this is our common thing to do.

We ordered something to eat and I was eagerly waiting to ask the main question. 

"Umm ... Aadarsh , Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Yeah sure" he said with smile. He looks good when he smiles.

"Why did you say that you are willing to wait for me ? and also your parents. Why ? I really want to know" I asked taking deep breath.

"Can we go somewhere else and talk ?" He asked. I felt weird why is he asking that ?

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