NB - Last Name Change

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Nicole POV

"Hey babe" I say to my girlfriend, y/n, trying to get her attention.

"Yeah?" she replies, looking up from her book. We were sitting in our living room, her reading a book and I on my laptop. We were in our house, and Henry was at his dad's house this weekend.

"I've been doing some thinking lately, and I think that I'm finally ready." I say looking up from my laptop.

"Ready for what?" She asks, looking at me inquisitively.

"I think I'm finally ready to change my last name. I think it's time."

Y/n gets up from her chair and comes to sit by me over on the couch. She says, "Ooo, do you have any ideas?"

"Well there's a couple, and believe me I've done my research." I show her my laptop with some of the name ideas I had in mind, along with their meanings and origins. 

"That one sounds good." y/n says, pointing to a name on the screen. "But that one doesn't quite sound right with your name." She says as she points to another spot on the screen. "But this one rolls off the tongue nicely. But really, it depends on you and which one you like the best."

"None of these really feel like me though. Barber doesn't even sound like me." I say.

"That's okay. It may never sound quite right. But remember the reason that you're doing this." She replies, putting her hand on my thigh. 

"Yeah, yeah. I know." I say, already knowing the reason. "I just don't know which one to choose."

"Let's say them together out loud and see what feels right. How does that sound?"

"Okay, let's do that" I say, putting the laptop on the coffee table in front of us. We read off my name with all the names, and I finally settled on one. 

"Nicole Turner" we both say in unison. That one sounds nice I think. Wait, I know it sounds nice. Sounds like you." y/n says.

"Yeah but you know what sounds even more like me? Nicole y/l/n" I say, smiling a little. I feel the butterflies in my stomach as I say this. We have been together for 4 years now, but we never really talked about marriage. She knew that it was a touchy subject for me. She had been with me since not too long after the divorce with Charlie was official, helping me through it all. She always supported my acting career in California, and she was amazing with Henry. Henry really seemed to like her too. And she didn't mind when Charlie came around either.  

This comment left y/n speechless. Once she realized what I had said, she took my hands in hers and said, "Darling, I would love to share my last name with you." She said with love. I could've sworn she had heart eyes when she said that. "You can tell me no and I won't be offended, I'm just asking your thoughts. But does this mean you want to get married?"

"I think I might. Sooner than later too because I want to get rid of Charlie's last name." I laugh. "But that's not the only reason. And don't get me wrong, I still love Charlie, I just don't want to be associated with him. But I think I'm finally ready. I mean, Henry is old enough, and I really, really love you. You and Henry are my everything. If you're ready, then I'm ready."

"I'm ready too, my love. I'll always be here by your side. But in that case, let's go get married!"

"Oh, are we doing this now?" I ask, not totally being so upset on the idea.

"No, no, no. Expect a grand proposal. Horses, flash mobs, fireworks, everything." She says with a chuckle. "But there will be a proposal in your future."

I laugh at her joke, giving her a light slap on the arm. "Oh god no, please no. Nothing too flashy."

"Trust me, I know just what to do." Y/n says with a devilish smirk.

"Oh no you're going to embarrass me aren't you." I say, putting my head in my hands and peeking at her through my fingers.

"Oh honey I'm going to try my best." She says with a chuckle. I move my hands from my face and cup her face with my hands.

"I can't wait." I say as I lean in for a kiss.

A/N: Sorry this is so short! I just had this idea because I want to change my last name so that I'm no longer associated with my abusive parents. Also, does anyone want a part two to this?

Hope you enjoyed!

Please leave me requests! my AO3 is the same user as here, @Paige_vers and my instagram is @scarlettsoutset and my tumblr user is @ nats-bottom

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