NR - Take Care of Yourself

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This was also published in another book of mine, but I'm now putting it here. Please enjoy!


Natasha stormed into the compound, bruises all over her body, a deep gash on her left calf, and minor cuts all over the rest of her body. She stormed right past me, just giving me a small 'hello'. I get up from my spot on the couch on the couch and follow her to our bedroom. She plops down onto the chair at our desk to start filling out paperwork for after the mission.

"You know you really should get yourself cleaned up." I say to her, hurriedly getting the first-aid kit out of the closet to clean her up.

"I'm fine. Just let me do my work." She says to me, clearly upset with not only me but herself.

"Please Nat. I just want to help you here. You clearly aren't fine."

"I told you I'm fine. Now just leave me alone so I can do my work."

"I won't leave until I can clean you up."

Teeny Time Skip

Third person:

"Look, you can't keep doing this to yourself!" exclaimed Y/N.

"I'm just doing my job!" Natasha exclaimed back.

"Yes, but you need to look out for yourself too. I know this is your job, but you almost died! I can't lose you Nat." Y/N said with a tear slipping out of her eye, falling on the floor. "I love you too much to lose you. I've lost everything else and I don't know what I would do if I lost you too." Y/N added, tears now streaming down her face.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." Natasha replied, trying to comfort her. Natasha reached her hand up to Y/N's face and wiped the tears away from her cheeks with her thumb. "I'll try to be more careful on my missions, but it's going to take time. I'm so used to not putting myself first."

Y/N put her hands on Nat's hands, which still rested on her face. She squeezed lightly on her hands, letting her know that she understands. They stay like this for a while, Natasha's hands on Y/N's face, Y/N's hands on Nat's, and their foreheads resting on each other's.

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