KJ - Drunk Pt 2

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TW: minor panic attack, homophobia (just a little)

"See you tonight!" Kelly says excitedly. She gives me a smile, then walks away to her assistant. I watch her hips sway back and forth as she walks away. Damn she's hot.

I get back to work, the day dragging on as I wait for tonight's adventures.


I arrive back at my apartment around 6:30 and immediately get ready for my date. Is it a date? I hope it's a date. What if she doesn't think of it as a date, and just wants to ask me more questions? Oh god I hope not.

I try not to let these thoughts bother me, but that's all that seems to swirl around my head. I take a seat on my bed and put my hands on my heart, feeling it beat faster and faster. I feel the sweat drip down my forehead, and a little gets in my eyes. 

"Ow!" I exclaim. I get up off my bed and grab a washcloth from the hall closet, getting it wet and wiping my eye. I don't care about ruining my makeup at this point, since I was going to re-do it for tonight anyway. I hold the wet washcloth over my eyes, letting the coldness both calm me down and soothe the sting. 

I remove the washcloth from my eyes and look up at myself in the mirror. My eyes have black all around them and my face is still wet, from water and tears. I take a clean towel and wipe my face dry, cleaning off the smeared makeup as well. I take a a few deep breaths and just stare at the face in the mirror. Once I recompose myself, I walk back to my bedroom to pick out some clothes for tonight.

There are many options. I could go for a dress, one that is a little lower cut and ends right above my knees. Or I could be a little more casual and wear pants. Something I'm still not allowed to wear at work somehow. After debating back and forth, I decided to go with the dress. It's casual enough, but still nicer. I slip on a pair of heels and re-do my makeup, this time a little nicer, and put on some bright red lipstick. I let my hair down and style it in some curls, not too tight, but not too loose.

I look at the clock and see that it is 7:30 already. I grab all my stuff and lock up before heading down to my car. The ride there is nice and calm, which is exactly what I need since I am still very nervous about what this night will bring and exactly what it entails. 

I arrive at the bar a few minutes early, but head inside anyway. I sit down at a table and tap my fingers on the table while I wait. Not two minutes later, I see her walk in. She's wearing a dress as well, but it's fancier than the one she wore to work today. She has her hair pinned up, with a few strands left out to frame her face. She looks drop dead gorgeous. I wave my hand to her, signaling my location. She smiles and walks over. 

"Hello y/n, you look pretty hip." Kelly says. 

"Same to you Kelly. You look really mod." I say as Kelly takes a seat opposite of me. 

"So I wanted to ask you some questions if that's ok." Kelly says, placing her left hand inside of her right hand on top of the table.

"Yeah sure." I say, shifting around in my seat, hoping it has nothing to do with my job. If it did, then she would probably bring her assistant, or at least something to write everything down on. But I don't see either, so I think I'm in the clear. 

"So, are you single?"

I looked at her in shock, not expecting that question. I try to analyze her face to see what she means by this question, but can't quite read her. As I'm one not to lie, I answer her honestly, "Yes, I was only in one relationship in college, but that didn't last." I think back to Ellie, and smile. She and I were perfect. There was nothing wrong, except for the fact that we weren't allowed to be together. Trying not to reminisce on the memory of her too long, I focus my attention back on Kelly. She's looking at me, a mix of hope and sadness in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry about that. Was he good to you at least?" Kelly asks.

"Yeah, they were good. We had to break up because their dad found someone for them to marry. Her- um, Their parents didn't know about us." I let out a sigh. I put my head in my hands as I realized that I accidentally let it slip that they were a she

I feel a pair of hands take mine and peel them away from my face. I look up and see Kelly look at me with an understanding in her deep, green eyes. 

"You won't tell anyone, will you?" I ask sheepishly and quietly. I stare into her eyes, waiting for a response.

"Of course not. Especially since I'm one myself." She chuckles. She rubs the back of my hands with her thumbs in a comforting manner. "Now tell me what you want to drink and I'll go grab it for us."

"I'll take an old fashioned." I reply, with a smile. I feel a warmness in my heart as she smiles back at me. She gets up and walks to the bar, ordering our drinks. She comes back with our drinks and sits down, putting my drink in front of me. 

"Let me just lay this out, no work talk tonight, okay? Let's just have some fun." Kelly says, putting her hand on mine.

"Sounds amazing." I gush. "Normally at these things all I do is talk about work."

After a few more drinks, and a lot of laughs, we get on the topic of where we've lived.

"Enough about me. Where all have you lived?" I ask.

"Oh I'd rather save that for another time." I smile at the thought of there being another time with her. "But I've picked up a lot of accents though."

"Ooooo, let's hear them!" I say excitedly.

"Well aren't you just the most adorable little junebug!" Kelly says in a deep Southern accent, probably from Alabama somewhere.

"That was amazing! Do another!" I clap my hands excitedly. She continues to speak in a British accent, an Australian accent, and a different Southern accent. She does them all well, well enough that she could've been native to anyone of those places. "Have you really lived in all those places?"

"No, I just watch it on TV."

"Well, you're very good. Really impressive. Makes me wonder what else that mouth can do." I look at her lustfully. I bite my lip, waiting for a response.

"Wouldn't you like to find out." She says, looking up at me through her eyelashes. 

"Well, why don't we go back to my place and figure that out." I say, smirking. 

Hope you enjoyed!

Please leave me requests! my AO3 is the same user as here, @Paige_vers and my instagram is @scarlettsoutset and my tumblr user is @ nats-bottom

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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