SJ - Don't You Ever Do That Again

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So I wrote this one a while a go on a different book and I'm just moving it here!

I lay on the floor under our bed waiting to scare Scarlett. She's been filming all day, and I didn't even get to see her before she left. She told me she would be home by 10 pm (22:00,) but she isn't here yet, even though it is 10:30. Since she's later than expected, I decided to play a little trick on her.

Sometime around 11 pm I hear the front door open, meaning Scar must have finally gotten home.

"Y/N I'm home!"

"Y/N?" She askes after not hearing a response.

I hear her going around our house saying my name, looking for me. Eventually I see her feet enter the room as she turns the light on.

"Y/N? I know you're in here somewhere, I've looked practically everywhere else. She walks around the room, going into your bathroom, then looking through the closet. I carefully watch her feet as she walks around our room, looking for her fiance.

As she walks closer to the bed, I get ready to carry out your plan. I start to tickle her feet when she is standing unbeknownly in front of me.

"AHHHHH" half-screaming, half-giggling yells Scarlett. "Y/N! You almost gave me a heart attack!" she says while I climb out from under your shared bed. "Don't you ever do that again." she says with a smile over my shoulder, hugging me tightly.

"I missed you so much." You say before leaning in too give her a peck on the lips.

"I missed you too baby."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Nope, not possible." you say while climbing into bed.

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