Doppelgangers Meet Again

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Amanda, Derek, and Odette arrive in the future, ending up in the same cemetery the Beatles found themselves in when they came earlier. "Oh great, why does the first place we end up in have to be a cemetery?" Asked Derek in an annoyed tone. "It's obviously Duvessa's doing. But who knows what she'll do next if we don't find the Beatles?" Asked Amanda. "All we know is they'll get weaker and weaker by the minute." Said Odette.

"Uh, girls? Get a load of this tombstone we're standing in front of." Derek said. The girls look at the tombstone he mentioned, only to notice a familiar name on it. "John is dead here?! But how?!" Odette said in shock. "We better ask around, unless it's too painful to talk about. Wait a minute. There is someone!" Amanda said.

In the distance, the three notice a figure looking traumatized. Amanda approaches the figure and taps on its shoulder. The person turns around, revealing itself as Amanda's doppelganger.

"Amanda?! I can't believe you're here!" Said Schaefer as her look of fear became an excited one. The girls hug each other, then release a minute later. "I can't believe it either! But I'm not here for a visit." Said Swan. "I kinda figured that." Schaefer said. "One reason I'm here is I'd like to ask you about that tombstone over there, the one with John Lennon's name on it. What happened to him in 1980?" Swan asked.

No words come out of Schaefer's mouth for a minute. "I really wish I could tell you, but it's too painful. Sorry." She said. "I understand. But the main reason I'm here is I'm looking for the Beatles. Have you seen them?" Asked Swan.

Schaefer remained silent for another moment. "Yes." She said. "You have? Where are they?" Swan asked. "Oh, they were here alright. Paul thought I was you." Said Schaefer. "He did? You actually met my husband?" Asked Swan. "At long last, yeah. But I kinda wish it was on better circumstances." Schaefer said. "Oh well, at least you got to meet him." Swan said.

"Hey, is that Derek and Odette back there?" Asked Schaefer as she looked behind Swan. "Yes it is. Hey, you guys, come over here!" Said Swan. Her siblings approach the identical girls. "Hello again, Your Majesties!" Schaefer said. "Nice to see you too, Amanda." Said Odette. "Swan here said you're looking for the Beatles, is that right?" Asked Schaefer. "We are." Said Derek. "Schaefer said they were here. Where are they now?" Swan asked her twin.

A chill runs down Schaefer's spine. "Some creepy lady named Duvessa came out of nowhere and took them." She said. "Is that why I saw you looking so scared?" Asked Swan. "Uh-huh." Said Schaefer.

"Why are you here, Amanda? Schaefer, I mean." Derek said. "I'm visiting a few of my relatives who died a few years ago." Schaefer said. "Awww." Odette said. "Where did Duvessa take the Beatles? Do you remember?" Swan asked. "All I know is they disappeared in a puff of black smoke. Duvessa didn't say where she was taking them, but as far as I'm concerned, it isn't good." Said Schaefer.

Swan's expression saddens. "I sure hope she's not torturing them." She said. "Or worse, doing something to ensure they weaken a lot quicker." Said Odette. "What do you mean weaken the Beatles?" Schaefer asked. "Duvessa said they'll grow weaker as they spend more time here. I'd like to think she probably put a spell on them to make them weak as they stick around in this world." Said Derek. "Yeah, she said so herself about them becoming weak a little at a time." Said Swan.

Schaefer gasps, then her expression becomes angry. "That woman is playing dirty! Heck, she must be stopped, period!" She said. "You can come with us, we'll need another ally to help." Swan said. "I wish I could, but that'll cause confusion." Schaefer said. "What, because we look the same?" Asked Swan. "Yes. Besides, I'm not magical like you." Said Schaefer.

Though she wants her twin to come along, Swan knows her safety is more important. "Maybe you're right. But in a way, you did help out." She said. "Yeah, you told us what happened to the Beatles when they got here." Derek said. "Even though you said they just vanished after Duvessa took them." Odette said. "I'm glad I could be of some help. Anyway, I better go. My parents are waiting for me. Good luck on your adventure." Schaefer said. "Thanks, Amanda. I'll miss you." Swan said.

The identical girls hug, then Schaefer faces Swan's siblings. "I'm glad I got to see you two again as well." Said Schaefer. "Likewise." Said Derek. "Good luck to you too." Said Odette.

As Schaefer exits the cemetery, Swan and her siblings keep going to find the Beatles and confront Duvessa.

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