Back To The Past (Finale)

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Outside the apartment, the Russos are no longer stone. They anxiously wait for Amanda and the others to return from the future, and their wait ends as the portal opens. Everyone steps out one at a time. Once the whole group is cleared from the portal, it closes.

"Russos, you're not statues anymore!" Said Amanda with a smile. She hugs her best friends one at a time, then the Russos see the Beatles in one piece, giving them each a hug. They even give one to Derek and Odette.

"How did Duvessa meet her end?" Asked Max. "It wasn't easy, but the only way she could be defeated was for her scepter to be destroyed." Amanda said. "We wish we could've been there to see you kick her butt." Said Alex. "I didn't break it." Said Amanda. "Well, if you didn't do it, who did?" Asked Justin.

Everyone faces Paul, who gives a nervous smile. "You broke Duvessa's scepter, Paul?" Alex asked. "After she hurt Amanda, that's when he unleashed his fierce side and just, boom!" Said John. "Man, it's a shame we missed it. Oh well, there's always next time." Justin said. "Let's not make this about me, Amanda's the real hero. She saved us on her own, without any backup." Said Paul. "That's our girl!" Max said.

"We'll tell you more later. Right now, we need to crash. What time is it, anyway?" Asked George. "No time has passed here while we were in 2024." Said Ringo. "You aren't the only ones who are beat from that wild ride." Said Derek. "Yeah, we're gonna turn in early as well." Said Odette.

While Derek and Odette return to their kingdom, the Beatles and four adventurers retreat to their rooms. Amanda places each of the trinkets she received from the princesses on an empty table she and Paul rarely use.

Paul notices the objects he hasn't seen yet. "Where did you get that gem, book, and magic lamp?" He asked. "Derek, Odette, and I met a few other princesses that helped us up until the moment Duvessa hurt Derek. Their names were Belle, Snow White, and Jasmine." Amanda said. "Pretty names." Paul said.

"Belle gave me the book, and she said it's about the importance of knowledge. The gem is from Snow White, she said it has the power of strength. As for the magic lamp, Jasmine gave it to me, and she pointed out it holds the magic of laughter. They might come in handy for future adventures." Said Amanda. "My goodness, you received such wonderful gifts during this dangerous mission!" Said Paul.

"Okay, you said something was bothering you before we left. What is it?" Amanda asked. "Well... do you remember when I mentioned to Derek and Odette this weekend how I almost drowned while on holiday in Tenerife, Spain with George, Ringo, and our friend, Astrid?" Paul asked. "I remember." Said Amanda. "Well, I was saved by some random girl. But she disappeared before I had a chance to thank her." Said Paul.

Amanda stayed silent for a moment. "I know." She said finally. "You do?" Paul asked. "I was there when it happened." Amanda said. "Gosh, I must've missed you." Said Paul. "We were still separated at the time anyway." Said Amanda. "But did you see the girl who saved me that day?" Paul asked. "Paulie... I'm that girl." Amanda said. "What did you say?" Asked Paul. "The one who saved you... was me." Said Amanda.

Paul was at a loss for words. "You?" He asked. "Yes." Amanda said. "But... how did you know I was in trouble when we were still separated from each other?" Paul asked. "I heard a cry for help in my head, magically took myself to where it came from, then I saw someone get caught in a riptide and start sinking. Once I dove in and realized it was you, I thought it would be our big chance to reunite." Said Amanda.

"Why didn't you stick around after that?" Asked Paul. "I wanted to, but I got shy and ran off. I didn't think you'd be happy to see me after... you know." Amanda said. "Good point. So it was you who saved me that day?" Paul asked. Amanda slowly nods. "You were unconscious when I brought you to shore, so that's another reason you didn't see me afterwards." She said. "And hearing you sing helped me regain consciousness, which was obviously the same voice I heard during the years we were apart." Said Paul. "Mystery solved." Said Amanda.

A smile appears on Paul's face, but then he frowned. "I'm sorry I didn't figure it out sooner." He said. "Hey, we don't always know things right away. They take time." Amanda said. "You're right, love. But back to current events, you were really brave throughout the whole adventure. Maybe the bravest you've ever been. Oh heck, you've always been brave during every rescue mission." Paul said. He kisses Amanda's cheek. "Thanks, sweetie. You were brave too when you destroyed Duvessa's scepter." She said.

"Seeing that crazy woman hurt you pushed me to my limit, so I had to be brave." Said Paul. "Well, at least it's all over." Said Amanda. Paul nods in agreement.

Though this dangerous rescue mission has reached its end, everyone involved showed the most courage, bravery, and strength to stop Duvessa, the villain responsible for putting everyone's lives at risk. Now that she's gone, her reign of terror is over.

The End

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