Happy Birthday, Lover! ~ Lovertation ~

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Here's a little Lover-bday Lovertation! hope you love it, Lovelies! 🩷🖤


🩷 Lover 🩷

I was peacefully sleeping when I heard Rep come into my bedroom.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVER!" Reputation almost screamed, carrying a tray of breakfast. It was my favorite, 

"Reppy, you almost gave me a heart attack!" I wanted to laugh. I just kissed Rep and we quickly ate. I got ready and met Rep at the door.

"We're going somewhere today, it's a surprise." I love surprises, so I was excited.

"Tell me, Rep!" Reputation laughed.

"Lover! Happy birthday!" Folklore and Midnights said in unison.

"Thanks guys!" Reputation smiled.

"Come on, Lov!" We got in the car.

"I wanna get there!" I whined. 

"Lovy, we'll be there! Be patient, my Lov." I was bouncing my leg. Rep didn't let me look out the window, so I looked at Rep.

"Lover, we're almost there." I got even more excited. 

"I want to get there!" I said impatiently. 

🩵 1989 🩵

We were all setting up for Lover's surprise party. It was gonna be so epic. Midnights was making a seven layer cake, Tayless was making little paper rings and it was my job to decorate.

"This is gonna be AWESOME! Lover will love it!" We all knew Lover needed at least some happy moments.

"Wonder what her and Rep are doing right now..."

🩷 Lover 🩷

I was so excited when we pulled up to a carnival.

"OMG REP! I WANTED TO GO HERE! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I hugged Rep so tightly, she probably couldn't breathe. 

"Anything for my Lovy!"  I dragged Rep into the carnival and forced her to go on a ride.

"Lover, you know I get sick on those rides!" I just dragged Rep over to the ride.

"Reppy, it's my birthday!" Rep sighed.

"One time, Lover, one time." I had so much fun on it, but poor Rep almost threw up.

"L-Lover, never make me do that again." I saw a cotton candy machine.

"Reppy, there's cotton candy!" Reputation loved cotton candy too, so we ran to the machine. She got it with her money and we sat down.

"This is the PERFECT birthday!" I exclaimed.

"It'll be even more perfect." We heard Cruel Summer playing and we both screamed it. A little girl tugged at my dress.

"Are you my mommy?" She asked.

"No, I'm Lover, not your mommy. Are you lost?" The little girl nodded. We helped the little girl find her mom and the mom was a big fan of Reputation.

"That crazy lady. You would swear she's crazy about me!" I laughed.

"Oh, Rep, I am glad I fell in love with you." Reputation also won a stuffed bear for me, and I was grateful.

"Lovy, you ready to leave?" I was kinda tired, so I nodded. It was lunch time, so we stopped at a restaurant.

"The food here is good, Reppy!" I sank my teeth into the food, savoring every bite of it. 

"I'm glad you like it, my Lovy." We left the restaurant and drove around for a few hours. We didn't even notice all the time passing until we stopped our karaoke in the car session. It was 5 pm.

"Lover, we gotta get home! Karyn needs to get fed." I thought that was a weird excuse, but I shook it off. 

"Yeah! I also need to feed Benji." We drove home and I went into the house to see it all dark.

"Hello? Anyone home?" I got shocked to see every Era pop up from their hiding spots.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVER!" Midnights turned the light on, revealing a big birthday cake. 

"Happy Birthday to you...." Folklore started to sing. Everyone else sang the song and I blew out the candles.

"Now get your paper rings!" Taylor Swift handed me a pink heart paper ring and a black one for Rep.

"I love my darling Lover, and I want to say something. Lover, you and me forevermore!" They all cheered as Rep swept me off my feet, sending us dancing across the floor.

"Okay, what do you love most about Lover?" Poets asked us.

"The thing I love most about Lover is her kindness." Taylor Swift smiled.

"The thing I love most is her smile when one of us is sad." Fearless, who was usually mean, actually cracked a smile. The rest of the Eras went. Rep went last.

"I love Lover because she is the sweetest girlfriend I could ever have asked for. I have loved Loverina Swift for 3 summers now, and she loves me the same way." I kissed Rep. After the party was over, me and Rep were in our room on my bed. 

"This was the best birthday ever, Tation."

"Long Live Lover and her birthdays, many more to come!" 


There is no cuteness like Lovertation cuteness, isn't there? Long Live Lovelies!

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