Chapter 18

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Mabel smiled. She was at her home and was drying her hair. Remembering the way of how it had felt when his lips had been on hers, Mabel gently touched her lips and stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was blushed to a deep red color and closed her eyes, while patting her cheeks. She pushed her wet hair out of her face and sneezed loudly. Even though she had hurried to her home when the rain had started to get faster, she had been drenched already and she knew that she was starting to feel the after effects of getting wet in the rain.


Mabel sighed, shaking her head. She had just spent a whole and a wonderful evening with Juvenal, but for the fifteen minutes of time since she had last seen him, she had started to miss him already. She had never known that falling in love would be such a wonderful feeling, and she wondered how she would be able to survive, if she were to miss the man who had stolen her heart, for even such a short period of time.

Pushing the strands of her wet hair away from her eyes, Mabel threw the towel over her clothes rack and sighed, while falling onto the bed. She was not able to remove the stupid smile over her face, and she closed her eyes as Juvenal's face swam in front of her. Mabel bit her lips. She was smitten in love. She was seeing Juvenal wherever she turned to, and his image in her mind came into clear focus when she closed her eyes. When she was awake, he invaded her mind. When she was asleep, he invaded her dreams. Shaking her head at her own stupid unstable mind, Mabel closed her eyes and wriggled her body upwards towards her pillow. Letting out a deep breath through her lips, she hugged her pillow closer to her body, while imagining being in Juvenal's arms, she closed her eyes, wishing for sleep to come soon.

Rain was splattering louder onto her window and lightning flashed far away, making the loud thunder rattle her windows. She felt calm as she knew that Juvenal was already at his home, because he had texted her saying so. Her eyes started to droop in sleep and her breathing was turning slower. As she started to fall asleep after the long day, the world slowly started to go mute around her.

'I love you!'

Mabel's eyes sprang open suddenly. When she was on the verge of falling asleep, she heard the air around her gently whisper his words in secret for her. Sighing loudly, shaking her head as she knew that she would not be able to fall asleep, Mabel bit her lips and tried to remove her smile off her face. She knew that she would not be able to sleep that night. Though she thought of sending a text to Juvenal, she thought that he might be asleep, and not to disturb him. Sitting straight on her bed, she leaned back and plugged in her earphones, listening to the most romantic songs, while she mentally slow danced in the rain with Juvenal.

"Good morning, dad!"

Mabel kissed her father's cheek and sat beside him. She looked over her shoulder to see whether her mother was sitting on the sofa and found it to be empty.

"Didn't mom come home last night, dad?" she asked, munching on the sandwich, and turning towards her father.

Robert nodded. "She came home early in the morning. She might be in her room now." He said. Mabel nodded.

"So, how was last night?" her father asked, flipping a page on his newspaper.

Mabel's eyebrows raised up in her forehead and she felt her cheeks turn red as memories of the last night rushed to her mind. Ever since she had woken up in the morning, she had tried to avoid thinking of the last night and especially of Juvenal, and with one simple question from her father, she was smiling like a little girl who was given chocolate cake.

"Darling?" Robert called, turning towards Mabel.

"Hm?" Mabel blinked fast seeing her father once more. For a minute she had been staring at Juvenal, who was leaning down closer, with his lips between hers.

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