Chapter IV

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Bringing his sword down, Juvenal stepped forward as the Queen's army stepped forward too. He did not let Mabel's hand go and holding her tightly with his left hand, he ran towards the oncoming army. The army from the opposite end was quicker to reach them and the loud clank of metal on metal was heard. Mabel closed her eyes in fear as she heard the loud sounds around her. She wanted to shout in fear, but she kept her mouth shut. She knew that she had to be strong for the sake of Juvenal.

Without a little bit of remorse in his eyes, Juvenal brought his sword down on all the soldiers who came in his way. Mabel stared at him in wonder as he jumped this way and killed the soldiers in front of him with practiced ease. His army followed him as a flock of bees would follow its Queen bee. They were too good for the enemy army. Though a whole war was going on in front of her eyes, for the sake of her getting married to the crown prince, for Mabel it felt as though it was all happening in a movie. She found herself staring open mouthed at the war unfolding in front of her eyes. The soldiers from both armies bumped their metal armored chests with each other and swished their swords back and forth.

Blood oozed out of the puncture wounds. Wounded soldiers still fought though their uniforms were stained with blood. Blood was shining on their swords and their metal armors. As they fought with each other, gritting their teeth, Mabel bit her lips and got behind. Her grip holding onto the side of Juvenal did not come loose. Even when she felt the Queen look darkly at her and the onlookers on either side of the courtyard look at her as though she was the worst person on the planet.

She lifted her long dress up and moved to the side with Juvenal as he looked at the damage he had done. There were more corpses on the courtyard than there were soldiers. She looked at Juvenal and saw that he was sighing heavily. There was sweat dripping on the side of his face and his long hair was pasted on his forehead. His round eyes looked sharply at the five soldiers who were coming closer to him, and he gritted his teeth.

"Get behind me, darling." He shouted and Mabel nodded, getting behind him.

With rage that was splitting through his chest, Juvenal screamed, and he jumped, raising up in the air. With immense force as he raised his sword up, he built enough momentum and he brought his sword down, jumping down with the force. He kneed the soldier who was in the front, and he fell down with the force. Mabel pressed her hands to her lips and got behind, looking at him. Juvenal landed pinning the man to the ground, and he grabbed him by his throat, punching him in the face. Lifting his head up, as he heard the other soldiers near him, Juvenal jumped to his feet and raised his sword up. The soldier raised his sword and tried to stab Juvenal, but he blocked him with practiced ease. He tried again but failed. When he lifted his sword again, Juvenal lifted his sword up and brought it down and cut the sleeve of the soldier, and he cried in pain as blood flowed down his arm. Another soldier who was behind the second one came forward and Juvenal swished his sword to the side, cutting his throat. The first soldier whom he had kneed was back on his feet and he came towards Juvenal again, but this time he pushed his sword to the front, puncturing his stomach through the opening of the metal armor. The fifth soldier who had seen what had become of his other soldiers, started to shiver looking at Juvenal, with fear in his eyes. Gritting his teeth as he panted, Juvenal looked at him and when he took a step forward, the soldier too came front but instead of bringing his sword down on him, he released it and fell on one knee in front of Juvenal, pressing his balled up fist over his heart.

"Your Highness!"

He shouted and Juvenal nodded. Juvenal stood straight and looked down. The soldier scurried to his feet, and he ran to the side of Juvenal's army, only to be killed by his General.

"Oh!" Mabel exclaimed and Juvenal looked at her.

"All's fair in love and war darling." He said and winked at her. Mable nodded and her eyes got big as she saw another soldier run towards Juvenal with his teeth bared.

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