Comfort pt. 1

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Location: Rehearsal Place

Babyface and I will be traveling to Africa later on in the year, but we do have a private performance coming up. Ever since we were nominated for a Grammy, hopefully my lucky seventh one, people have been calling us left and right to perform. Denim and Diezel are coming since Keri is picking them up for a week. And the girls are with me until tonight, everyone is flying back home (except Tamar).

Toni: Hey Kenny. Hey guys.

Babyface: Hey Tone. How are you doing?

Toni: So far so good. Hopefully my day gets better. My sisters and kids are coming in a few minutes just to hang out if that's fine with you.

Babyface: It's no problem at all.

Toni: Why is it so dark in here? Did you guys dim the lights?

Babyface (laughing): You're wearing shades.

The whole band starts to laugh.

Toni: I forgot about that.

The girls walked in with Ashley and the boys.

Denim: We're going to a basketball game with Dad during the week and then the arcade.

Tamar: That's nice, just make sure that you guys don't eat too much junk food. Young men can't be thickums at all.

Towanda: Ignore your crazy Auntie Tamar. Just enjoy your week off.

Diezel: We will! I can't wait to go to the game. I just bought a brand new jersey set.

Tamar: Hey Face!

Denim: Hey Uncle Kenny!

Babyface: Hey guys. Have a seat and relax. Your mom and I will be rehearsing for a couple of hours for our upcoming tour.

Trina: Yasss! I want to see you guys practice "Hurt You." I just love that song. It reminds me of Gabe and I.

Towanda & Traci: What?!

Traci: I keep forgetting that you and Gabe are not back together again.

Tamar: Just plain ol' dumb. Stupid!

Trina: We aren't and thanks for caring.

Tamar: Get out cha feelings Trina.

Toni: Have a seat you guys and stop talking so loud.

Choreographer: Okay, Toni and Babyface take it from the beginning of "Hurt You."

Babyface: With the old or new dance moves?

Choreographer: The old and then I'll see if I should change some of the already new choreography.

As Toni and Babyface began to sing and dance to "Hurt You," Keri came to pick up the boys. Unfortunately, he came during the second verse when Toni was leaning on Babyface. No one saw him enter. The choreographer cut off the music as Toni and Face were face to face.

Keri began to applaud loudly.

Keri: Encore! Encore! Let's give it up for the mother of my child grindin' on a married man.

Traci: Here we go again.

Trina: Stay with it Traci. Let him act a fool.

Toni: Hey Keri.

Keri: Well, hello Ms. Braxton. I'm here to pick up my kids for the weekend.

Toni: You didn't get my voicemail, huh? You have the boys for a whole week.

Keri: No, I want them for only the weekend.

Toni: Keri. They're your kids and they are packed for the week. I left you a message and texted you about the change of schedule.

Keri: In other words, you pick how many days I should see my kids whether I like it or not? Boys go wait in the car. I'll be there in a few mins. I have to talk to your mother.

Toni: Can we please talk on the side. You're interrupting my rehearsal time.

Toni then tries pulling Keri to the side. He has already created a scene in front of the band, Babyface, and the choreographer.

Keri: Don't touch me. You don't dictate how long I see my kids! If I say for the weekend, I want only the weekend!

As Keri began yelling at Toni, Tamar rose up from her seat, but Towanda stopped her.

Tamar: Wanda, let me go. I refuse to watch my sister get yelled at by her ex-husband.

Towanda: They're just talking, Tamar.

However, as Keri began to yell even louder, Babyface began to look at Toni and realize that was starting to cry. Babyface decided to walk up to Keri and Toni mid-conversation.

Keri: I'll take the kids for the week, but next time, make sure that you actually talk to me. I-

Babyface: Is everything alright here Toni?

Toni: Yes, Ken. We're almost done.

Keri: Ken? You guys have gotten really close since our divorce has been finalized?

Toni: Whether we have or not is not your business. Tell the boys to call whenever they want to.

Keri: Yeah and maybe I'll tell them to call Uncle Kenny and he'll pass you the phone since you guys are sleeping together.

Toni: Don't you dare tell my children that!

Tamar: Okay that's enough! I'm going over there.

Towanda: Naw. Toni got this.

Tamar: I damn hope you right Wanda.

Toni: Have a good week with the boys Keri.

While walking away from Keri and Babyface, Keri yelled.

Keri: You too. And remember Kenny boy is a married man!

That was the last straw for Toni. She ran to her rehearsal room as fast as she could with puddles of tears running from her eyes.

Toni: Get out of my room everyone! I just need some peace and time to be alone! Get out!

Keri left and Babyface was left trying to figure out what just happened. He noticed the sisters going to go to Toni's room, but stopped them.

Babyface: I'll talk to her. You can just stand by the door.

Babyface knocked on the door and all he heard was glass being thrown at the door.

Babyface: Tone, it's me, Face. Can I come in and talk to you.

Toni (crying and screaming): No! I'm so tired of him coming and acting like this towards me! I birthed his kids, I helped him when no one else would, I loved him through thick and thin. Me! Not no one else.

Babyface opened the door. What he saw next broke his heart...

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