Fun in The Jungle

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Location: National Zoological Gardens of South Africa

The Braxton family and Babyface were going to one of the largest zoos in the entire world, the national Zoological Gardens of South Africa. It was going to be a fun day. The park wasn't too full of people.

Towanda: Okay kids, stay together. What do you guys wanna see first?

Brook: Kangaroos.

Deizel: Orangutans and pandas!

Toni: How about we start with the monkey show. It starts in five minutes!

All the kids were excited. While walking, Babyface held Toni's hand. Denim was behind them and took a picture of them smiling at each other. He was going to save this picture.

They arrived at the monkey show and sat front row.

Monkey Specialist: Welcome to the Banana Show. Today's show is going to be spectacular. Today I will be introducing you guys to Bubbles and Peaches. Bubbles is only 24 years old and he is Peaches husband. They have been together for almost ten years. Can you believe that!

As the specialist was talking, Tamar began videotaping the family's reaction to the show.

Tamar: How are you liking the show so far Face?

Babyface: So far so good.

Monkey Specialist: Can I have two volunteers to come and hold Bubbles and Peaches.

Nobody volunteered. The man walked up to Toni and Babyface, with a light shone upon them.

Monkey Specialist: Give it up for this lovely couple.

Toni: Wait a minute!

All of a sudden, Bubbles climbed onto Toni and kissed her on the cheek.

Babyface: Aww, he likes you.

Babyface picked Peaches and held her like a child on his hip.

Monkey Specialist: Bubbles and Peaches are one of the cutest and youngest animal relationships that the zoo has ever seen. We first got Peaches when she came to the zoo after losing her kids. Bubbles was there and they've been inseparable since.

Trina: That is so cute! Look at Peaches.

Peaches climbed out Babyface's hands and joined his and Toni's hands together. As time went on, the family spent the rest of the day touring the zoo, taking pictures, and petting lots of animals. By the time the afternoon came, everyone was exhausted and ready to get back to hotel to rest and have dinner. However the kids still wanted to feed and pet some horses.

Denim: Ma, can we ride the horses?

Toni: I don't know, that sounds very dangerous.

Babyface: What if I ride a horse next to them to make sure that nothing happens?

Denim: Yeah Uncle Kenny will be riding with us. Pretty please!

Toni looked at Babyface and agreed.

Toni: Make sure that you're directly next to them.

Everyone arrived to the horses barn and the trainer immediately took them to the horses with horses' food in hand.

Trainer: First things first, we need to feed these guys since they're hungry and then they'll be ready to ride.

Tamar: Have these horse ever injured anyone before?

Trainer: Unfortunately, yes.

Toni: What?! No my kids will not be riding!

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