Finding Love Again

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Babyface just landed at the airport. He has been on tour for the past six weeks in the states. Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and Peyton still hasn't told the family what college/university she will be attending. Or even if she's going to college. Babyface had just picked up his luggage when he noticed Toni standing there with a sign with his name on it. He smiled and headed towards her.

Babyface (smiling): I thought you had a driver coming to pick me up.

Toni (kissing him): I wanted to surprise you myself. How was your flight?

Babyface: It would've been better if you were with me.

Toni (laughing): That bad huh.

Babyface: Yeah. I'm glad to be back home for a while. This was my last tour for the year. I just wanna get home and snuggle into my wife.

Toni: That sounds delicious.

Babyface: And so are you.

Toni: I know that look. Let's head home and continue this conversation at home.

Babyface: Are the boys and Peyton there?

Toni: Dylan, Denim, and Peyton are home. Diezel and Brandon won't be here until tomorrow night.

Babyface: That means-

Toni: No sex while the kids are home.

Babyface: But they'll be here for the next few weeks! I just got off of a six week tour Tone.

Toni (chuckling): You'll be fine husband.

Babyface: But I want my wife.

Toni: You will have her, just in 2-3 weeks. Now come on, the car is parked up ahead.

Toni walked ahead of Babyface. Babyface stared at her body while she walked towards the car.

Toni: Ken, stop staring and pick up the pace. I wanna beat the traffic.

Babyface: I'm coming, something just caught my attention.

Toni (looking over her shoulder smiling): Enjoying the view?

Babyface: Loving it. I want to explore it when I get home.

Toni: Not if the kids are home.

Babyface (mumbling): I am and I will whether you have a say so.

Toni: What did you say, I didn't hear you?

Babyface (smiling): Nothing at all.

Toni and Babyface headed home. While driving, Babyface placed his hand on Toni's thigh.

Toni (biting her lip): Ken, stop.

Babyface: I don't know what you're talking about, Tone.

Toni: If your hand goes any lower, I will pull this car over.

Babyface didn't answer Toni. His hand moved to Toni's inner thigh and he began to smooth his hand over it, squeezing it all the right places. Toni looked at him in the corner of her eyes as he licked his lips and relaxed into the seat.

Toni stopped at a red light when Babyface's hand reached its destination.

Toni (moaning): Ken.

Babyface: Relax and keep driving. The light's green.

Babyface was playing Toni's body like a Spanish guitar. Although they were only a few minutes from the house, Toni was losing control. She reached a stop and squeezed her thighs together. Toni finally reached the driveway and turned off the car. She leaned back into the car seat and enjoyed Babyface's long and talented hands.

Finding Love AgainWhere stories live. Discover now